WebNovelHis Siren17.07%

Chapter Twenty Two

After work, I went home and took a little rest. I was supposed to go to the bar tonight, I had a singing session tonight.

I wore something simple and went to the bar.

Vale was already there. I went in to see the manager first.

"Good day ma'am"

"Hi Arya.. hope you had a wonderful


"Yes I did"

"Okay. Everyone has been asking for Arya since the last time you sang, some are even paying for private viewing with you and I've asked Vale to let you know about that"

"No, he hasn't told me anything about it yet"

"The both of you should discuss about it and then let me know so I can inform those who are interested"

"I'll do just that"

"The stage is ready for you." The manager said

The MC introduced me to the stage and I could hear the loud cheers and I was mesmerized.

I went up to the stage, and then I sang. After singing, I gave a few thanks.

"I want to appreciate every one of you who keeps cheering for me and supports me with their presence and with cash. I want you all to know that I am very grateful and I love you all"

While I was giving my vote of thanks I noticed two men walk in. They went over to a side of the bar and sat down.

I walked down from the stage as I wave me goodbye to the audience and even at the back of the stage, and I went to meet up with Vale.

I didn't understand why he didn't inform me of the private viewing when he had so many opportunities to do so or even call me over the phone. I didn't think that was good and I was going to ask him why.

"You didn't mention the private listening to me"

"I forgot"

"You forgot? How could you forget something that important"

"I've had a lot on my mind but I promise to fill you up on the details of the private viewing"

"That's alright"

"Do you mind if we took a walk?"


"That's fine"

Vale and I went out of the bar and we walked down the street.

While we walked down the road. I noticed someone was following us, but each time I turned around to be sure, I didn't see anyone.

"Did you notice we are being followed?"

Vale looked around and shook his head.

"No one is following us"

"I thought.."

"It's just in your head"

Then I turned again and I saw the men who had entered the bar while I was still on stage. I looked closely and I recognized the both of them, though I saw them at different places, I had seen the both of them before. I had seen one at the bookshop and the other at the company.

"Look those men are following us"

"No, they aren't. They are just walking"

And after some minutes, they walked in another direction.

"I told you. They weren't following us"

I was not convinced, it could not have been a coincidence that the both of them were together. Something didn't seem right. I needed to be careful.

Vale briefed me on the private viewing and we agreed that he'll talk about that with the manager. He stopped by a taxi for me and I went home. I got my pay of $500 while I was in the taxi.

I was super excited, I wanted to show Laurie but when I met Laurie in the room and she looked really unhappy and I was scared that something bad had happened to her. I had to keep the news and console her first.

"Are you okay? What is the problem?"


"What happened to Jean?"

"She called earlier to inform us that her mom passed this morning"

"Oh no, that's really not a good news"

That explains the reason why I've been calling Jean and she has not been responding.

I felt really bad for her she much is going through a lot at this point. I was unhappy too. Jean had been supportive of me and now she was hurting and I couldn't do anything for her.

The days passed with cold air around us, it felt like jeans mom had died around us. We spoke with Jean a couple of times and she assured us that she was okay.

They fixed a date for the burial and we attended. Jean informed us about her decision to remain home and take care of her father.

I wished it was all a joke but she was serious. She had thought about it and had concluded that it was the best decision she could make at this point.

"I'll miss you so much," Laurie said to her

I'll miss you too"

"I know, it was difficult making this decision. But I had to take it and I hope you both totally understand"

"Of course we do. I'll come to visit you from time to time"

After spending some time with Jean and her family we went back to Salamanca. I went back to work and at this point there was no day I had nothing to do.

The work at the office was getting bigger and bigger but I was great full I had Rosie with me.

"The CEO arrived today and he'll be calling for a meeting with all the staffs"

"That's amazing"

The meeting came and I got to see the ceo for the first time. He looked really strict but handsome too. His white hair was the only evidence of his getting old, he was still hotter and handsome than some men lesser his age.

The meeting came to an end and we went back to our duties. The working hours was over and I was happy to go home and take my rest. I had no singing session today, so all I did was take a shower, have dinner, I had an early day the next day so I had to sleep on time.

I found it difficult at first go to sleep, my mind was occupied with the thoughts of the strange men and what business they had with me. But after a while i succumbed to sleep.