WebNovelHis Siren19.51%

Chapter Twenty Five

Everything that happened last night was a clear evidence that more trouble was on its way.

I had to get a grip on myself, I needed to stand up for myself. Looking for a solution was what I was suppose to concentrate on. But for now I needed to avoid vale.

I got to the office a little bit late and Rosie was really worried.

"You have never come late to work before, so permit me to ask of everything is okay with you?"

"I'm just a little bit under the weather that all"

"You should go home and get some rest or is really a bad idea to be here"

"I can't just go back home. I do not want any trouble with the boss"

"Come on, okay I'll cover up for you. Trust me"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. You need a lot of rest so go home before you break down completely and make sure you get some meds on your way home"

"Thank you Rosie"

I quickly packed up and went home. I hadn't seen Laurie in three days so I've been at home all by myself.