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Chapter Twenty Nine

Mar's Pov

After Arya left I was convinced that whoever was chasing her was still going to come after her. So I sent Jade to keep an eye on her and ensure she was safe.

Ever since the night o saw her on. In the streets at night, I have felt a strong need to protect her. There was something about her that drew me to her and I didn't know and couldn't explain what it was.

The first time she approached me at the bar, I didn't act the way I was meant to. I wouldn't be surprised if she held my attitude against me.

Seeing her in that position made me so angry.

"What was this man thinking carrying her like that?" I thought

"Let the lady go," I ordered him calmly and gently.

I wasn't expecting him to do as I said quickly.

"This is none of your business, so just.... oh you are the one ... the major reason she's been acting up lately," he said

"I don't care what you think. Just drop the lady and let her go"

"And who are you to give me orders"