WebNovelHis Siren26.83%

Chapter Thirty Five

I woke up with a bad headache. I couldn't remember what happened yesterday.

I didn't know if it was a dream but I saw Mar and we kissed. I tasted his lips and it felt like it was real. His touches felt so real.

My bikini was almost away from my body. Mar came in with a glass of water and Advil and handed them over to me.

"It will help with the hangover"


"Yeah you were pretty wasted last night"

"Hope I didn't do anything stupid?"

"You didn't... take them quickly"

I swallowed the meds and drank some water. Then he turned to leave.

"Did you bring me to my room?"

"Yes I did"

"Thank you"

"It's okay. Take a shower and join us for breakfast "

And he left. I didn't know why he was acting like he cared he was angry when I joined them to play games.

I took my shower and went down to join them. I noticed three extra people there, including Mera. She was the only face I recognized.

"Hey Arya... you left early last night"