WebNovelHis Siren28.46%

Chapter Thirty Seven

Mar's Pov

The morning sun hit me as I opened my eyes. The soft body resting against me was welcome. I cannot remember the last time I allowed myself such pleasure. Watching her sleep toiled with my manhood.

I remembered how her nipples were rock hard and how she couldn't contain the desires I was erupting in her. She kept whimpering as I touched her pussy, her screams were intoxicating. I had never had a moment as intimate as this. And I want ready to give her up. Just I wanted to be inside of her again. I felt the need to protect him too.

The sheets had come down a little exposing the top of her breasts. I wanted to taste them again. I wanted to feel her body in mine as I throat in and out of her and hear her moans.

Arya had screamed my name when she had her first orgasm. I wanted to hear her do that over again. And she clung to me like she wasn't ready to let go when she had her second. I remembered how she held my butt like she was afraid I was going to leave her.