WebNovelHis Siren35.77%

Chapter Forty Six

Mar's Pov

Arya had been acting really weird for the past couple of days and I was yet to know what the problem was. I waited for her to come to my room but she didn't.

She resisted me completely when we ran into each other and when I tried to go to her room, her door was always locked.

"What was the situation? We were good and so what changed?"

The whole distance was killing me and she didn't care. I missed her and she was making things really difficult for me.

I would go to her door and knock for hours but no response. Sometimes I'd get really pissed and go back to my room while other times I'll be patient to keep knocking.

I decided to respect her and give her the space she was calling out for and so I did.

While I was leaving the house, I met with Mera on the way. She asked about Arya and I told her she was in her room.

"Is everything alright?"

"I have no idea if there is, she would tell you if something is eating her up"

"I'll just go and find out"