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Chapter Sixty Two

Yara's Pov

My parents knew about Erick and insisted that I stopped seeing him, but that was not going to be possible.

I continued to see Erick and he always came to see me.

Isla wanted me to tell him about my true identity.

"He will feel betrayed if you don't tell him who you are"

"I know that and I will tell him when the time comes"

"Tell him when next you meet and see his reaction. I do not want you to get hurt Yara"

I saw her concern and I one she genuinely cared.

We were both talking when we were interrupted by king maithusa. I was not expecting to see him here.

"What did he want?"

"You have become so scarce my love," Maithusa said

"Stop calling me that. I am not your love"

"But you are. You will be my bride soon"

"I do not want you and never will. Besides, my heart does not yearn for you. It yearns for another"

And I could see the rage in his face. He began to fume.