WebNovelHis Siren60.16%

Chapter Seventy Six

Mar's Pov

I woke up early and drove straight to the orphanage, it was not difficult to find it. I just had to deal with the bumpy and rough road.

I finally got to the orphanage. I walked through the front door but did not see anyone. I tried calling the number ma'am Gina had given to me but it was not reachable.

There was no way I was driving back to the city without getting any information. I was going to wait for her till she got back.

I walked out to the front door and fortunately for me, there was a seat by the front. I sat down and went through my phone. Mr. Erick did not fail to remind me to fix a date. He was bent on showing me gratitude for accepting to partner with his establishment and so far there has been an improvement.

Mera had given me updates in the company on the company at any chance she got while persuading me to eat. I was seated out there for a while when two little kids came running toward me.

"Hello, mister," one of them said and I replied