WebNovelHis Siren68.29%

Chapter Eighty Six

Mar's Pov

I came out of the house and got into the car and I was still for several minutes. I was heartbroken.

"Maybe it was all a lie"

I didn't want it to be true. I had come to love Arya so much and I didn't think I'd be able to take this betrayal.

This was the same place Arya had been coming to. And this woman had said things without me and explained who I was. The best thing was to confront Arya.

I felt used and betrayed. This had a different level of pain. It opened old wounds.

"Mama and Lourdes I'm sorry. I didn't know what she was. I too was betrayed" I said allowed

I was too confused, I hit the steering of the car continuously to reduce my rage but it kept building up. I drove back to the city but I didn't want to go home. I went over to the bar to have a couple of drinks.

I took bottle after bottle till I was drunk and unaware of my environment. I thought of how betrayed my sister and mother would feel.