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Chapter One hundred and One

Jean was shivering when she saw Jade and me outside.

"He is bleeding," Jean said

"I know. I need you to help me take him inside"

"There is a man at the back of the house and he has a gun in his hand" Jean cried

"Shh....bring your voice down. How many are they? " I told her

"I don't know. I just saw one and he is with a gun"

"Jade is hurt, we need to take him inside and call 911. The light is off, remember? So we can't use the intercom" Jean said

"Oh shit"

Jean assisted me in carrying Jade inside the house and locked the door. Jean took me to the room to show the man she had seen earlier, and we saw the man through the window, this time there were three.

I touched my pocket to get my phone, I had call credit in it but could not find it. Jean noticed my movements and asked me what the problem was.

"My phone, I can't find it"

"You might have dropped it when you went to look for Jade," she said