WebNovelHis Siren82.11%

Chapter One hundred and Three

Jean's Pov

I waited for Arya to return but she didn't and I was getting really scared and worried. I went under the bed when I heard noises in the house. The noise finally reduced, but I remained where I was.

I was too scared to come out. Then I heard a gunshot.

"Arya!" I hoped she was safe.

After a while, I heard a car driving out, I remained under the bed sheet. After a while of waiting and there was no sign of Arya or Jade, I came out. Everywhere was quiet then I saw Jade lying on the floor, he was bleeding and then I rushed over to him.

He was trying to say something but I was not getting it. Then he pointed toward the door and stuttered

"Arya.....they.....took her" and then he stopped speaking

"Jade! Jade!" I called but he did not say anything. I quickly checked his pulse and it was getting really weak. I checked around for my phone but it was not on me, so I quickly rushed back to the room to look for it.