


I laid down on my bed feeling rather bored, at times like this I was always texting my stupid friend Mark, but he seems to be too busy for me right now, the thought of that made me want to smack his head right now.

I took my phone and texted him, Well it's the only one thing I can think of doing right now.

ME 6:19PM

Hey what movie are you watching, I am bored as hell.


I'm watching Moxie, wanna come over?

ME 6:21PM

I thought you weren't into girly movies.


Wanted to watch something different.

ME 6:22PM

Or is that your way of making me come over to your house?


Did it work?

ME 6:23PM

You wish, why do I have to be the one to come to your house every time? you come over!.


You know hw lazy I am.

ME 6:24PM

Well I am also tired.


Come on its just twenty steps away from your house.

ME 6:25PM

Tell that to yourself, you lazy soul that hides in a muscular body.


Well I am pretty muscular, glad you admit it now.

ME 6:26PM

Ha ha, how funny, you lazy loser


No, not the double L's you just broke my heart

ME 6:28PM

Lol, I feel so happy right now. So what movie are you really watching?


Justice League.

ME 6:29PM

Are you really gonna watch that everyday? u're insane you know that right?.


It's what makes me Adorable .

ME 6:30PM

My foot, gotta go mum will be home soon, I have to make her a smoothie she must be worn out by now.


Sure mama's girl, save some for me.

"Crazy" I sent to him as a voice message and headed downstairs.

Sooo... yeah I am in my sitting room right now, unable to calculate the scenario that caused my sudden state of


It has happened again, mark is definitely playing pranks on me right now and it is creeping me out.

I made sure all the doors were locked, how is he able to get it?.

I was fuming with anger as I called Mark.

"Customer service how can I help you?".

"Cut the shit Mark, how did you get in?, why the silly pranks? is it April first already?". I bombarded him with questions.

"woah calm down, you sound like a pressure cooker that is about to explode, whatcha talking about".

"Stop messing with me it's not funny anymore!". I slightly yelled at him before cutting the call.

I looked around to confirm if someone was in the house, but it was just me. A few minutes, Mark was at my door, probably trying to make fun of me.

"What?, so proud of yourself now?, well guess what I wasn't scared at all!, jokes on you buddy". I said with a slight smile as I opened the door for him to get in.

"Have you started taking drugs, what are you rambling about?".

He asked looking concerned. Was this really not his doing? I thought to myself.

"Sara!, Sara!". he says snapping back to reality.

"If your mum knows you are using drugs, you're dead you know that? tell me is it cocaine?".

"Are you crazy, can't you not tease me for once?". I said smacking his arm.

"Well what is with the strange talks".

"Come here!". I said pulling his arm and leading him to the TV.

"What did you do to my television?".

"What did I do?". he asked looking confused.

"Mark be serious, did you really not do anything to my TV".

"No I was at home all day and... wait what happened to your TV?". My eyes went wide he really had nothing to do with what's happening, if not he would had been praising himself for what a great job he had done.

I walked closer to the TV screen and focused on the screen, something I didn't do since all this started. It displayed a totally pale gray colour.

I focused my gaze on the TV more and noticed some letters in a darker grey.

"R.A.Z.E.N.O.N, what the hell does this mean?, what the hell is going on?". I yelled, as I pronounced the letters each one after the other.

"Don't you think the television is just broken, it's not a big deal really".

"No you don't get it, I unplugged the TV so many times but it keeps... I don't know plugging itself".

"Are you in some kind of trance? I should call your mum, you look like you are in shock". he said reaching out to his phone.

"Mark I am not joking, it's real, I am not stupid".

"Well there is just three possible explanations for this, either someone is in your house messing with you, you are going GAGA, or your TV is broken".

"But I locked the doors".

"You sure there is no one in the house?".

"I have searched the house many times, it's just me Mark". I stated feeling a little insecure.

"Look, it's ten minutes to seven, if you don't feel safe here we could go to my house and call the electrician to fix your TV"

"No thanks, mum is almost home anyways, I am not scared, you can go home". I refused feeling relieved, knowing my mum would be home soon.

"Ok then, I will just stay here and be a knight, you know... in case your house is HAUNTED". he teased smirking stupidly.

"Haunted my foot, you know what? you are probably right the TV might be broken... but, how it keeps plugging itself..."

"Soo... where is that smoothie you made?". Mark cuts me off.

"Oh my god!!! I actually forgot, quick come help me make some before mom gets home".

"Do I get to choose the ingredients?". he asked beaming like a child.

"Oh whatever, let's just get started". I said heading to the kitchen as mark follows behind me.

"Oh, one thing". I unplugged the TV again before heading to the kitchen.

A few minutes later we were done making the banana smoothie Mark had suggested. That guy is a pig, he almost ate all the bananas.

"Your mum is gonna love the smoothie I made her".

"YOU! made her? the only thing you did was eat and eat like you have eating disorders". I said smacking the back of his head.

"Oww". he wined "Aggressive much".

"Shut up". I ordered as I made my way back to the living room.

