

I felt his hands wrapped around me, dragging me towards himself, Mark whispered into my ears "Don't be afraid".

"I am not". I whispered back, even though I don't know why we were whispering to eachother. I felt something or someone staring at me, something was in front of me, I had the feeling.

I looked closely into the darkness and noticed a figure, a huge figure, it was so dark that I couldn't see, but the giant figure was even darker. I quickly closed my eyes holding in my urge to scream out in shock. Someone was in the house, it explains part of why the TV was malfunctioning.

The figure was coming closer to me, my eyes were closed but I could feel the extreme tension of someone or something different coming towards me. The house was as silent as a graveyard. Mark said nothing but his grip around me was getting tighter, something tells me he felt the odd tension too.

The gravity around us grew even more intense as the figure drew itself closer towards us. It was becoming almost unbearable for me, I opened my eyes but to my surprise I didn't see anything, the figure had disappeared, I guess, Or maybe it was just my imagination, I looked further into the darkness but it was gone, Who was I kidding looking for some imaginary creature in the dark, had I lost it? was I overreacting that I had suddenly started seeing things? Was mark seeing this too? Are we both insane? I pondered in my mind but was cut off my thoughts as the power suddenly came back on. We both flinched at the sudden light that swept through our faces.

"Sara, someone is in the house, we have to get out".

"You saw it too?".

"More like had a feeling someone was watching us".

"You are holding in so much pain right now, i can see it in you, but how do we get out Mark? how do we get out without touching the door handle?".

"I don't know Sara, We can't touch the door handle so I guess, the only was is through the window".

"Or we could use the back door".

"No, you want this to happen again?". He asked raising his left palm.

"Don't worry nothing will happen". I assured.

"How are you so calm in a situation like this?". he asked.

"I know nothing will happen".

"What if he is an assassin or a ninja Sara? worst, what if he is a ghost or missionary hired to end our lives".

"Not if we end his first, it's two against one, besides, our lives aren't worth hiring a missionary, they are quite expensive".

"You really aren't scared to die are you?".

"The police will be here any minute now and this will all be over". I insisted.

"Shouldn't they be here by now? how long does it take, do they not know a stitch in time saves nine?". he complained.

"Umm...oh no!" I mumbled.

"What? " he asked clutching onto his wounded hand.

"I didn't give them an address, maybe they...".

"Wait you didn't give an address Sara, great we are dead meat!". he interrupted.

"I'll call again don't worry, we'll be safe".

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one with a roasted palm".

"ugh!". I said frustrated as I took my phone and turned it on.

"No!!!". I threw my phone in shock.

"Sara, what is wrong with you".

"I...it's showing the weird letters... again!".

"Wait the same thing from your...".

"Yes!!!" I yelled cutting him off.

"What do we do?". I asked.

"Use my phone it's in my jacket". I pulled out his phone from his jacket and dialed 911, Even though I knew I wouldn't know what to say to them.

"SORRY BUT THIS EMERGENCY NUMBER IS NOT REACHABLE, AND WILL NOT BE HELPING YOU TONIGHT". A rough scary almost familiar voice responded sending chills down my spine, I stood still in nothing but what I consider fear, holding the phone to my ear as the voice cuts the call.

I was so tensed, we are in deep trouble no doubt about that, but that voice...

"Sara! Sara! are you alright?". Mark asked snapping his fingers in front of me.

"I...we...have to get out of here now". I said letting the phone fall freely from my hands.

"Sara, what happened? did you report what happened? are they coming?". he kept bombarding me with questions till I lost count.

"No, they are not, we are on our own, I think this is a set up".

"Who...wait, WHAT?!". He asked confused.

"let's get out through one of these windows". I said.

"Wait Sara what is going on? ".

"We are doomed that's what is going on now, we are going through that window". I pointed at the window close to the balcony. I ignored Mark's neverending questions and made my way to the window, Mark follows me there and I try to open the windows only to discover that it's jammed. I needed something to break the window so I took a vase.

"Hold on, isn't that the vase your grandmother gifted to your dad? what are you gonna d...". I threw the vase on the glass window taking him by surprise.

"Are you...? you are definitely crazy". I ignored his comment and moved towards the window that didn't even have a scratch on it. The vase was totally destroyed, different pieces lying on the floor. I looked at the window again this time, I was looking through it.

That huge scary figure, I can see it from a distance staring at me, at my soul the look was intimidating, I could hear familiar voices in my head... the voices from my dream earlier this evening, the voices of my parents struggling, then it hit me like a truck, this figure that was still currently Staring at me, even though I couldn't see its face, was the same or almost the same as the one In my dream, the one that murdered them...IN MY DREAM.

But something snapped me from the little shock I was having, the figure was not in the same spot I saw it earlier, it was closer, Every time I blinked it came closer, I don't see it moving but I know it is.

I closed my eyes, all that was happening was just my imagination.

I opened them again...ITS NOT THERE.