


"How am I...". I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

It could be the figure I saw outside, what if it's trying to kill us, this could be our end, and it could also be my mum, maybe we were so focused on arguing that I didn't hear see drive into the garage, I was glued to my spot contemplating on what to do. What if it was my mom, she could get us out of here and Mark can finally get treated, And if it's the figure I saw earlier... well I'll just have to try my luck.

"Mum?". I called out, but no one answered.

"Mom?". I called out again, this time louder. Then there was a knock on the door again.

"Who is it?!". Mark finally decided to speak up.

"POLICE, OPEN THE DOOR". A voice answered, it's the same voice... from when I called the police, and somehow it's almost the same as the familiar voice that answered the emergency call I made.

"Please come in". Mark said almost immediately.

"Wait no!!! don't...". I was cut off by someone slowly opening the door. Could it really be the police? It was confusing.

"We are safe". Mark sighed. Little did he know that we are the opposite of safe, we were in great danger, the door finally opened completely but I really wish it didn't, there was no one at the other side of the door. The door just literally opened itself.

"Sara! run". Mark yelled to me. We both ran towards the door but luck was certainly not on our side as the door forcefully jammed before we could make our way out.

"Oh no, Oh no! what just happened". mark panicked.

"Who are you and why are you messing with us!!!". I yelled at no one in particular.

"Just leave us alone god danmit!!!". he added. I began searching the living room for Mark's phone.

"What are you doing?". He asked.

"Your phone we have to call for help".

"No! no more phone call, you have called for help a twice and where have that led us?".

"Trust me it's our only choice right now". I said before sighting his phone on the floor. I took his phone and called my mum's number, but it wasn't reachable.

"She is not picking up Mark". I said, I really hope nothing has happened to her, memories of the dream I had earlier flashed through my mind, I became restless, is she dead?.

"It is not reachable Mark, what if he got to her? what if she is...dead!".

"Stop thinking negative Sara, maybe she's really busy at work, or she is at a meeting, nothing will happen to any of us. Ok?".

"But...but at least she should have called or sent a text". My mum always called if she was gonna be late, and even if she didn't she would had sent a text, something bad must be happening to her right now.

"Maybe she did, and you haven't seen it cause your phone is trashed". he said pointing to my trashed phone in the other side of the living room.


"I'll call her again". I said.

"Her phone is switched off". I said.

"See, maybe she is in a meeting".

"Yeah, that's possible". I said trying to convince myself.

"Call your dad". He suggested.

"What?". I asked, though I heard what he said.

"You heard me right, call your dad tell him our condition". he said.

"Oh and what am I supposed to say? the house is haunted? some ghost kind of creature is after us? the TV is working on its own? what can I ever say to make him believe me?".

I asked getting upset, my father was just gonna assume that I am being childish and that he is busy, worst he might even reject the calls and make a silly excuse for it when he got home. Speaking of home, he is also supposed to be home by now.

"Mark, my dad is supposed to be home by now!".

"Call him Sara, or I will". he said grabbing the phone from my hand.

"Mark". I tried to stop him.

"Hold on its ringing". he said.

"It is?". I asked suprise written all over my face.

"Hello Mr Anderson". Mark said, I was relieved, at least I know he is not dead.

"Put it on speaker, please". Mark put the phone on speaker.

"Yes Mark, is everything alright? I am quite busy now". My dad replied.

"Actually dad, mum is not home yet and her phone is switched off". I cut in.

"Ok, so what do you want me to do?". He asked.

"Is she okay? did you call her?". I asked rolling my eyes.

"You just said her phone is switched off didn't you, maybe she just have alot of work to do or she is in a meeting, I'm sure she is fine, I have to go I'm busy".

"Um dad don't hang up yet".

"What is it Sara? I'm busy".

"Dad we have a problem, someone is trying to kill us" I said fiddling with my fingers.

"What do you mean someone is trying to kill you?". He asked.

"Dad I don't know, but something or someone locked us in the house and is after us right now!". I explained.

"Are you serious Sara?". he asked.

"Yes, dad please come get us out".

"Call the police, I am on my way". he said then cut the call.

"Now that wasn't so bad now, was it?". he asked.

"Thank god". I sighed.

"We should had called him earlier, This wouldn't had happened". Mark said pointing to his left hand.

"Let's get you treated". I said.

"No need, well be out soon, I'll go to the hospital".

"Are you scared of getting treated Mark?".

I asked looking suspiciously at him.

"What? me? No way!, why would I be I'm not a child Sara". he said scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Ok, then I'll go get the first aid kit".

"Wait, I am fine". he said.

"I'll go get it". I said walking into the kitchen.
