Becoming an inner disciple?


"Phew! I made it out."

"Haoyu? Have you done?" Yao Yin asked.

"Mmm~, yeaa... Your problem has been solved and you would probably make a breakthrough as early..... as tomorrow?" Haoyu replied.

"W-wait w-what? What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"You probably won't get it but don't worry."

Before Haoyu could finish his sentence, Yao Yin cut him off by saying "U-urm Haoyu, I think something is wrong with me. I can feel that something is happening within me, my cultivation is surging up out of sudden...."

Yao Yin continued explaining the feeling she is currently experiencing.

"Ohoh? It's happening already?"

"Happening? What do you mean by that? What did you do to me?" Yao Yin asked, scared.

"Calm down! I didn't do anything, just simply 'helping' you. What you are feeling right now is because your knowledge sea is forming itself."

"My knowledge sea is forming? But I didn't even reach Qi Refining yet."

"And that's why it is forming right now. To make you breakthrough to Qi Refining, you dummy." Haoyu laughed.


"You should calm down right now, don't stress yourself. You need to calm your mind and focus on cultivating so that the process of forming your knowledge sea would go smoothly. Just trust me, I'm your partner after all."

Heard this, Yao Yin can't help but listen to him. She then sat on lotus position and focused on cultivating.

"Such a personality pairing up with a top-notch beauty. She is so interesting." Haoyu smiled.

Haoyu then sat close to her, watching and guarding her just in case something unwanted happened during Yao Yin's cultivation.


~Half an incense stick of time later~


Within the room, Yao Yin sat in lotus position up on the bed, opened her eyes, and accidentally let a sound escape from her mouth.


"Hoh? You have done? That was fast," Haoyu showed a slight surprise on his face.

“It should be done, but I can’t feel anything unusual except my whole body is surging up with Yuan Qi.”

“Well, that should be expected as a mass amount of Yuan Qi is required to form a knowledge sea and soon after the process is done, the Yuan Qi inside your body would later be one with your knowledge sea. Congratulations, you’re now a Qi Foundation 1st Stage cultivator,” Haoyu spoke with a smile.

“With this breakthrough, you can finally advance to inner court disciple, right? So once again, congratulations!” He added.

Heard this, Yao Yin sighed. Although she wants to advance to inner disciple, she didn’t want to advance alone. She wants to at least advance together with Haoyu.

“But I don’t want to advance without you.” Yao Yin wore an unhappy expression.

Haoyu was surprised. In this cultivation world, everyone would do anything to smoothen their cultivation path and yet this girl dared to prioritize her own partner rather than taking the next step on becoming a better cultivator.

“You’re thinking too much, and who would say that you will be advancing alone? I, too, don’t want to stay as an outer disciple forever.” Haoyu laughed.

“That should be my goal for now, inner court disciple.” Haoyu thought.

“If I’m not mistaken, the inner court disciple assessment should be in the next four months, right?”

“U-urm, yes?”

“Then in the next four months, we shall pass the assessment together.” Haoyu smiled.

Yao Yin smiled brightly. She was too happy with what Haoyu said. “You better promise me,” she said.

“Yes, I promise you.” Haoyu slowly nodded with a smile.

The two of them were too absorbed with each other and unknowingly 3 hours had passed by.

Yao Yin was shocked when she looked at the time.

“Ohh crap, I was only planning to visit for a few minutes and now three hours have passed unnoticedly.”

“W-what, three hours?”

“Take a look yourself, ahhh what do I do if someone saw me going out from your room at this kind of hour?”

“Calm down, don’t be panic… there shouldn’t be anyone lingering around at this kind of hour so you should be fine.”

“Let’s hope it really went like how you said, I should go out now. It would be bad if I stay here more longer and you don’t forget to eat the fruit I gave you.” Yao Yin remarked and went out.

Remembered about the fruit, Haoyu then grabbed the food and took a bite of it.

“Mmm~, the taste. It still the same as ever, reminds me of my youth huh…”

He then laid on the bed, closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep. Perhaps his body was too tired.

The next morning, when he woke up he could feel that his body was a little bit better than yesterday.

“Haa~, it feels so much better.” Haoyu felt refreshed.

"He later got off the bed and called out to Mei Qi.

“Mei Qi!”

After a few seconds, Mei Qi came to his room.

She then bowed slightly and greeted, “Good morning, Young Master.”

“Good morning, Mei.” Haoyu greeted in a cheerful voice. He then added, “Can you choose some fresh clothes for me? I’m planning on going out today.”

Mei Qi, who was mesmerized by his sweet, cheerful smile, hurriedly nodded, “Yes, Young Master!”

“And later when you’re done, just put the clothes on my bed. I’m going to take a bath first.”

“S-sure, Young Master!” She said in a panicked voice before starting to walk towards the wardrobe.

Haoyu then took a step and immediately walked towards the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, he looked at the mirror and noticed that his face was slightly less pale than yesterday.

“My face also seems less pale than yesterday, huh?” He thought.

He then just ignored it and went inside the bathtub to clean himself.

Soon after he had taken a bath, the clothes were already prepared on his bed and Mei Qi couldn’t be seen anywhere inside the room.

“Oh, she has gone out?”