The Match Day!

Yao Yin laughed and replied, "Pffft, I understand your concern, Senior Sister Hua." Before adding more words, "However, you shouldn't worry about such a small matter, and tomorrow you will know why. Don't mention the top 10; if he wanted to, he could just easily take one of the spots." She said in a proud way while Haoyu nodded and smiled in pride after hearing what Yao Yin said.

"With that being said, you shouldn't overdo things tomorrow. Even if you're a genius, your health is also a top priority. I don't want you to get injured or anything, as you have just woken up. So, you must put your health condition above anything," she said with a serious expression.

Haoyu couldn't help but roll his eyes at Yao Yin's comment. "Oh sure, no problem. I'll just take a nap during the spar and still come out as the winner," he replied sarcastically.

Yao Yin playfully punched him on the arm. "You wish, Haoyu," she said with a smirk. "But seriously, just don't overexert yourself, okay?"

Haoyu grinned at her. "Yeah, yeah," he replied with a smile. "I just hope that Zu Sheng won't be too intimidated by my incredible napping skills." He added before bursting out laughing.

Yao Yin shook her head with a laugh. "I don't think anyone will be intimidated by your napping skills, Haoyu," she said teasingly. "But maybe they'll be intimidated by your incredible ability to procrastinate."

Haoyu rolled his eyes playfully. "Hey, I'm not a procrastinator," he protested. "I just like to take my time and enjoy the journey."

While the two of them were busy messing around, Mei Qi couldn't help but ponder about Haoyu. She had known him for a while now, but there was something about him that she just couldn't seem to figure out.

Was it his carefree attitude? His sarcastic sense of humor? Or was there something deeper, something that he kept hidden behind his joking facade?

Mei Qi watched as Haoyu laughed and joked with Yao Yin, and wondered if he was really as carefree as he appeared. She had only heard glimpses of a more serious side to him before, but those moments were rare and fleeting.

She wondered if he was truly prepared for the competition tomorrow, or if he was just relying on his natural talent and quick wit to carry him through. And if he did win, what would it mean for him?

Mei Qi shook her head, knowing that she couldn't answer these questions without talking to Haoyu himself. But for now, she would just have to wait and see what tomorrow brought, and hope that his young master had what it took to come out on top.

As for Hua Ning Chang, she couldn't help but wonder about Haoyu's identity. From how she had heard Yao Yin say about him, he undoubtedly seemed skilled. However, if he was really that impressive, how could he be unknown?

But seeing Haoyu, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to him than met the eye. He had a quiet intensity about him that she found both intriguing and unsettling, and she couldn't help but wonder what secrets he might be keeping.

As Hua Ning Chang's thoughts were drifting away, Yao Yin suddenly interrupted, reminding them that it was getting late and they should start heading home. Hua Ning Chang nodded in agreement and they said their goodbyes to the restaurant staff before making their way out into the night.

As they walked, Hua Ning Chang couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. She had enjoyed the evening spent with her junior disciples, and the food had been delicious. Looking up at the starry sky, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the beauty of the world around her.

They walked in comfortable silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Eventually, they arrived at the fork in the road where they would part ways, each heading towards their own home. They said their goodbyes and Hua Ning Chang watched as the three disappeared into the night, feeling a sense of warmth in her heart.

Turning to head home herself, Hua Ning Chang couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Despite her resolve not to pry into Haoyu's secrets, her curiosity continued to nag at her. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he really was, and if there was more to him than met the eye.

But as she thought about it, she realized that perhaps it was better to make friends with him rather than a foe. If he was truly as skilled and knowledgeable as Yao Yin made him out to be, then having him on their side could only benefit them in the long run.

With that thought in mind, she made a mental note to try and get to know him better in the days to come. After all, it never hurt to have powerful allies in their line of work.

The next day was the highly anticipated sparring match between Haoyu and Zu Sheng, and Mei Qi knew that her young master couldn't afford to oversleep. She knocked on his door, calling out, "Young master, it's time to wake up. Today's the day of the sparring match, remember?"

There was a groan from inside the room, and Mei Qi could hear Haoyu shuffling around as he got out of bed. She waited outside, giving him some time to freshen up and get dressed. When he finally emerged from his room, Mei Qi could see the excitement and nervousness written all over his face.

"Are you ready for this, Young master?" Mei Qi asked, a small smile on her face.

Haoyu nodded, taking a deep breath. "As ready as I'll ever be," he replied. "Thanks for waking me up, Mei Qi. I almost forgot."

Mei Qi chuckled. "No problem, Young master. I wouldn't want you to miss out on the chance to show off your skills."

Before heading to the training grounds, Mei Qi informed Haoyu that breakfast had already been prepared in the dining hall and that Young Lady Yao Yin was waiting for him there.

Haoyu and Mei Qi made their way to the dining hall, where the tantalizing aroma of breakfast greeted them. They were soon joined by Yao Yin, who was already seated at the table, sipping on a cup of tea.

"Good morning," Yao Yin greeted Haoyu with a warm smile. "Did you sleep well?"

Haoyu nodded in response as he took a seat beside her. Mei Qi scurried off to the kitchen to fetch them some food, while Haoyu poured himself a cup of tea.

As they enjoyed their breakfast, Yao Yin chatted amicably with Haoyu about their plans for the day. Haoyu listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with his own ideas.

Mei Qi returned with a steaming hot pot of congee, accompanied by a platter of crispy fried dough sticks and several other dishes. They ate heartily, relishing in the delicious food and each other's company.

Just as Haoyu and the other two girls were finishing up their breakfast, Haoyu's father, Shu Haoran, suddenly appeared in the dining hall. "Good morning, everyone," he greeted them cordially, before turning to his son. "Haoyu, I need to have a word with you."

Haoyu stood up, a bit surprised but respectful. "Of course, Father. What is it?"

Shu Haoran's expression turned serious. "I've heard about your upcoming sparring match with Zu Sheng from Yao Yin, and I want to remind you not to overdo it. Just a bit of beating would be enough to prove your strength."

Haoyu nodded, understanding his father's concern. "I'll keep that in mind, Father. I won't cause any unnecessary trouble."

Yao Yin and Mei Qi watched the exchange silently, observing the relationship between Haoyu and his father. Despite his father's stern demeanor, they could tell that he cared deeply for his son.

After their conversation, Shu Haoran bid them farewell and left the dining hall. Haoyu sat back down, feeling more contemplative than before. He appreciated his father's guidance, but he also knew that he had to do what he had to do. He glanced at Yao Yin and Mei Qi and smiled inwardly.

A few moments later, Haoyu turned to Yao Yin and Mei Qi and asked, "By the way, have either of you seen my sister? I didn't see her having breakfast with us."

Mei Qi shook her head. "I'm sorry, young master. Your sister has already left for the sect. But she did mention that since you were awake, starting today she will be returning to her own dorm in the inner court."

"Ah, as Mei Qi said, I'll also be returning to my own dorm soon," Yao Yin replied with a small smile. "Anyway, shall we make our way to the training ground? I can't wait to see the look on Zu Sheng's face after get beaten up by you."

Haoyu laughed before nodded in agreement and the three of them finally made their way to the training ground.