Outer Court Head Elder, Shu Huang

After the tour was over, Yao Yin turned to Haoyu and Mei Qi and said, "Well, that concludes the tour of the sect. Since the tour is over, I suggest we go meet Elder Huang. Since your father already informed him, He must be waiting for your arrival."

Haoyu and Mei Qi nodded in agreement, and they set off towards Elder's Chamber. As they made their way to Elder Huang's chamber, Haoyu suddenly turned to Yao Yin and asked, "Yao Yin, can you tell me a bit more about Elder Huang? What's his personality like?"

Yao Yin thought for a moment before answering, "Elder Huang is known to be a strict but fair elder. He takes his role as the head of the outer disciples very seriously, and he won't hesitate to punish those who disobey the sect's rules. However, he is also known to be a wise and compassionate elder who genuinely cares about his disciples. Many outer disciples look up to him as a mentor and father figure."

Haoyu nodded, "I see."