A Fans Club?!

As the words left Haoyu's lips, the atmosphere seemed to shift. The other disciples who had been eavesdropping on their conversation exchanged curious glances, sensing the possibility of a newfound camaraderie between the two intriguing individuals.

Lin Xun's initial curiosity transformed into a genuine smile, mirroring Haoyu's sincerity.

"Shu Haoyu, isn't it? It is a pleasure to meet someone who appreciates the value of guidance," Lin Xun replied, his voice filled with warmth. "I would be honored to offer my assistance and share my knowledge with you."

Whispers and murmurs spread like wildfire among the crowd, as the mention of Haoyu's name and his connection to the prestigious Shu Family captured their attention.

"Wait, did he say today is his first day in the sect?" One of the nearby disciples exclaimed.

"I heard it too! He just said today marks his first day at the sect," followed by another disciple.