Acting Beyond Orders

"Little lady, shhh. Please don't make a noise, alright?" Kael said to the baby in his arms.

Both of them were covered in a coat. Herena's eyes widened.

Though they were within the narrow alley, footsteps of people running echoed within the place

"Where is that young boy?"

"Have you seen him go this way?"

"No, boss. I think I saw him go that way."

"Obnoxious servants! Please hurry up and search for him! You better know where he is, or else you all will get punishment!!!"


People kept staring at the scenario. An old man with a beard and overweight appearance yelled all over the place.

His servants were small, some were shabby, but their clothes were unfamiliar.

They were looking for a young boy as their eyes continued to thin

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT, HUH?" The old man shouted again.

People averted their eyes from the old man and went away.

Some shivered, while others widened their eyes before leaving