The Golden-Haired Boy [Vol. 2 - The Temple]

A young boy with golden hair and eyes spoke to the little baby. Herena's eyes widened.

It was the first time she saw such a majestic being.

She felt like she had seen the type of prince like Calus.

Though the young boy's appearance was different from the crown prince, he exude the same aura as him

Herena felt that way.

She thought that the young boy was a flawless prince. Her eyes wouldn't stop sparkling. They were all twinkling

Then her heart. It began to throb in an unusual manner

She felt some warmth from the sudden meeting of their eyes. Then the young boy's lips rose

"If that's the case, then let me guide you to where you are," the young boy spoke again. Then he didn't hesitate to move the cradle to the place he knew well within the temple

"I see that even if you're a baby, you're an intelligent one," the young boy added