Captured Count

"We regret to say, but you must come with us, Count Belfore."

"What are you all doing with my Father?!"

"We apologize for what it may cause you, Lady Melinia, but we needed to interrogate your father."

"For what? He never did anything wrong!"

"Please forgive us. Knights, secure the lady and let her be locked in her room."

Knights from the imperial household went within Count Belfore's estate. It's been days since the ladies' gathering happened from Themiore household

But after that, the Count's state began to have rumors.

It was said that Lady Melinia wasn't the Count's daughter. Ever since she was young, the Countess wasn't seen

There were also some rumors surrounding the Count regarding adoption.

That the Count only adopted Melinia as his daughter so there would be someone to inherit his title

Others said that the Count had been engaged in shady business. That's why the boundary area lacked goods