Servous went to shake his head and then emptied the things within his tray.
He put them on his bedside table and took a deep breath before rising from his bed.
He clenched his fists into tight ones and gazed toward the curtain.
For a second, he envisioned himself lumped on the floor while crying.
"You have to be brave this time, Servous. If you wouldn't able to overcome your fear, then you wouldn't be able to live the way you wanted," he whispered while his eyes continued to thin
Then he proceeded to walk outside.
The hall he went through was empty. His footsteps echoed within, but no one seemed to hear him walk around
His gaze roamed around, then his eyebrows began to crease
He felt that with every step he took, his heart would beat rapidly
There is something odd within this place this day, he thought
When he spotted some maids walking in front of him, his eyes widened. Unconsciously, his feet moved to the other side