Both eyes and mouths of the two young boys went wide upon looking at some unusual things. The night could have blinded them to some things
But the rays of the moon helped them discover some hidden items. From the cold cemented floor called the stone cave, Servous quickly opened it with no weight
Though, what bombarded his eyes was something uncalled for
"Let me see," Kael said
He went where Servous was as he thinned his eyes. With every step he took, his eyebrows started to crease.
The young master in front of him wouldn't move. Both of his hands went to his opened mouth, and a few seconds later, Servous took a step backward
Upon gazing toward the inside of the floor, Kael's mouth hangs open.
"What in the world----"
"Exactly. What is this? Is this even real or just a fake human head?" Servous pointed out