Ardeus' Pieces of Power

"Hey, you heard about the Count, right?"

"What Count are you referring to?"

"The Count who was imprisoned and given the death penalty!"

"Is that Count Belfore, I wonder?"

"That is the Count, indeed."

"How about him?"

"Did you not realize anything about his first trial?"

"I've heard about it, but some people were disappointed while others showed no interest at all."

"Wait, so you were among those who didn't care, which is why you were unaware of what transpired next?"

"I have a life to live, after all! I'm not interested in interacting with anyone else's life!"

"The person who would control us in this empire is still a noble, right?"

"Okay, so what are you saying about it now?"

"What I'm attempting to express is that the Count vanished soon after that."


"Keep your mouth shut, please! A highly harmful rumor would be heard in addition to that."

"How about that?"