Is There a Reason To Love Someone?

Herena knows that what she genuinely felt for Calus in the past wasn't precisely true love the instant she learns Harlene's views on love.

With that notion, she couldn't help but grumble bitterly.

Whoever told her in the past that she shouldn't love Calus? Her brother cares so much about her that despite loving her, he allows her to fall in love with his friend.

Her parents never showed her love, and until this point, not even she was aware of her true inner feelings.

“Do you want more tea, Milady?” Herena is questioned by a maid when she enters her balcony in the morning to sip some energizing tea.

As the maid poured some black tea, Herena did nothing except grin and nod.

She used to detest the smell of black tea and find it difficult to drink it because she fears it will make her mood or appetite worse.