"Alrighty students we are done for the day. Have a good rest enjoy your semester break!" The professor sat down on his chair seemingly tired.
The students noisy sounds of chattering and fumbling of papers shoved into various bags seemed to make the professor happy which was quite ironic. As the students left group by group, they placed their assignments on a table to be assessed.
"Prof?" I walked towards my professor,"Here have a drink." I smiled handing him a cold bottle of vitamin drink.
My mother was a teacher too. It was always so exhausting. Marking papers from day to night. I truly respected her. From a young age, I watch her teach all day without complain. She restrained from shouting, yelling or blowing up at the students. It was rare to find a teacher like so.
"Have a good break prof!" I smiled and bowed to him before doing a little run out of the lecture room.
I checked my watch. 6.30pm. God it was so late. By the time I reached home, it would be about 8pm and that would mean that I would have to get ready for a camping trip with my friends for tomorrow in about 2 hours. It shouldn't be too bad does it?
"Boo!" Edward smile on his face lit up.
"Nice scare..." I sighed.
Edward was a playful boy. Though annoying at times, he still cared. He lived with me, one of the worst roommate I have ever had honestly. He gamed 24/7. Yet he cared so much for me that I dare not chase him out. Well, it turned out that my decision was right. He was one of the best friends I ever had.
"Stand here." He pushed my body to the his left, away from the road.
"So you going to pack?" I asked.
"Yep," he smiled.
I stared at him, with a sarcastic smile before turning away to shake my head.
"Wow you are horrible. How dare you doubt me?" He scoffed.
I giggled a little, "mother taught me not to lie."
"You know you are one to talk," he turned to me and pointed at the bus stop that were were nearing,"maybe you want to explain why we have been taking a bus home?"
"Look I just needed a caravan I didn't think of buying a car..." I reasoned.
"What for? We are werewolves! We can literally run to the forest." He looked at me annoyed after whispering about being a werewolf.
"To look normal," I raise my shoulders as I stated the obvious.
"Fine. How about the fact that you have the money to buy a car. You are rich yet you wouldn't buy one?" He reasoned again.
"I. Am. Not. Rich. I just save up. But since you did make a good point that a car would be a great idea how about we share the cost." I suggested.
"You do realise that you have a private island that your parents gave you right? And you are renting it out while I on the other hand is a freelancer." He whined.
"Fine. Since Luna and Jackson are soon moving in us, we would all share the cost. Yes?"
Luna and Jackson were part of our friend group. They both were the only two friends that I knew dare not get into trouble. Yet they were the ones in the most trouble. After almost getting suspended, they were threatened to be kicked out by their parents. To play it safe, they were moving I with us to make sure they wouldn't be threatened by their parents again.
We four are werewolves. Lone wolves to be frank. We didn't co sides each other as a pack. We preferred to only see one another as human friends. However when wondering in the woods to hunt, we were always preferred to be alone.
It was however written in the books of our ancestors that lone wolves would never survive for long. Stubborn, we only made a blood contract that we would only help one another in desperate times.
"Fine I will pay a quarter of the full price." He accepted.
"Thank you." I exaggerated.
He rolled his eyes in disgust.
"Piss off."
"Watch it." I warned.
We travelled home sharing laughters and conversations. When I lost my parents, I never thought I would actually laugh again, or smile. However they made me happy. It was unusual yet expected.
I had to admit. Time doesn't heal anything or any wounds per say, time only allowed us to slowly forget or in other words, get used to the pain.