The Seperation

He wore the black shirt that I have tossed to him. He covered his body with the shirt but his muscles were still protruding out. The shirt seemed tight but maybe it was just Edward.

"Too tight?" I questioned as he walked back.

He shook his head gently, his expression did not seem the best. Could I blame him though? Was his really his fault? Beating up an old friend that you promised to treat as family was stabbing him.

"Was I wrong?" He asked, guilt engulfed his voice.

I could see his eyes burning with remorse, guilt and disappointment. The flames in his eyes was so strong, even I could feel the heat. Was I supposed to listen to him rant? Do I answer him? I looked at him as he stared into the small fire that we had set up. The flame from his eyes was far stronger than the small flame. I stood up and entered the van without a word. Grabbing two cups of hot water and poured instant hot chocolate in it and threw two metal spoons into the cup. The clank noise reminded me of the study café that I used to go to. Oh how I missed those days.

"Here," I handed a cup of hot chocolate to him.

He retrieved it gratefully, bowing his head with thanks. He stirred the drink, the spoon hit the corners of the cup and returned with a clanking sound that slowing made me weary that we may attract attention.

I reached over and held onto his hand, guiding him to stir it without and sound. He caught on quickly.

"You aren't speaking because I screwed up didn't I." He questioned.

I took a good long look at him before turning away, a gentle smile formed on my face.

"When you stirred that drink loudly, I did not use any words but guided you quietly. You seem to catch n quick." I smiled, taking a sip from my drink.

His eyes filled with confusion now. The strong flame of guilt, remorse and disappointment was slowly smothered with the wet cloth of confusion.

"Your point given?" He asked.

His voice was so low, in whispers it sounded heavenly. Again, explains why the girls were pouring onto him in school. He was the dream guy, but his brain, not so.

"Well, did I silently guide you away from the fight?" I questioned.

I really had to train his brain. It was quite useless to be honest.

"No..." He dragged his words.

I nodded my head dramatically slow. Well, that is sort of progress?

I could still feel a lingering flame of guilt slowly overtaking the cloth and drying it out, ready to use it as an additional fuel.

"Maybe, you should be honest. Did I make a mistake, yes or no?" He asked, firmly this time.

"No." I replied.

My reply had seemed to shock him. He looked at me, eyes widened like never before. He bowed down his head, furrowing his brows, eyes staring right at me. I was unsure of how to react.

"No?" I said again, with a sense of uncertainty.

"No?" He repeated me.

"No." I said again confirming his questionable voice.

"No?" He asked again.

Was this a parrot game? Or a game of charades? Was the thing he imitated a parrot? What was I to do?

"No." I replied again.

This time I tried to reassure him with an annoyed look.

"Liar." He suddenly spurted out.

Okay, what? Now he is doubting me? Well, now I am offended.

"You taught him a lesson, gave him a chance at life and now you think I am lying." I stated the obvious which spark a thought in his head.

"Ster, I just hit Chester," He stated the obvious, "we promised to see each other as family and again Ster, I do not hit my family."

"He broke the rules first though," I added on taking yet another sip of the hot chocolate.

The hot chocolate was not right for the mood but it definitely made it better and gave Edward more confidence and comfortability to talk. Edward thought about it. I knew I was right and if he dared go against me, he would have to go against my prestigious results. I do not think he would win.

Edward groaned as he stood up and walked towards the van. His every step was dragged and the sound of it gave me fear again. Did he not care that we were out o the bunkers? I stood up ad followed him. I stood right next t him and decided to work now.

I kicked him in the shin which made him look at me with total hurt. He acted shocked and mentally hurt before entering the van. I smiled to myself, that was adorable. I followed him into the van. I never realised how emotional he could be. I sat down on the bed pf the caravan, the hard bed was not comfortable at all. It did not feel like a bed at all, more like cardboard. Cardboard was softer if I was completely honest.

"We should just use cardboard for a bed." I said as I laid back down on the the only comfortable pillow.

"Told you." He sighed as he poured himself another cup of coffee.

It was his sixth cup of coffee already.

"So much for quitting caffeine." I shook my head.

I was nlt saying him. For some reasons, my voice was one of the most powerful thing in his world. One word and he would listen, well most of the time. He stared at me upset. He got easily annoyed by whatever I said. He poured the cup of coffee down the drain.

"What the hell?" I stared at him in absolute shock, "what a waste."

My whining seemed to get to him.

"Oh shut it." He closed the windows and curtains. He locked everything very well.

I watched him go around locking every single lock in sight. He even added some padlocks to the doors.

"What are you doing?" I asked, absolute confusion heard in my voice.

He continued busing himself with locking the place up. I wondering what was wrong with him, what was this rampage for locking things up about? Are we not going to sleep in the bunker that we are literally parked in? We brought the caravan out into the open to have a little campfire break did we not?

"Sleep here tonight. I can't bear to see them." He laid back onto the bed that I sat in.

"First and fore-fucking-most, we are in the open. Secondly, this bed is so hard." I whined.

He looked at me before taking the sheets and covering hisle with it. He did not even bother to answer to my whines which was quite new. He would usually ask me to 'shut it' but this time all he did was leave half a sheet for me to share with him.

I was slightly pissed. Here I am stuck with this idiot. This is not just any plain idiot, this idiot is asking me to share a bed with him. Bed and covers. SO now I have half a bed and have a cover.


"You don't realise that this is putting us at risk?" I laid down and turned to his direction.

He turned around. The covers made a 'shh' sound. Our faces were so close, my heart was beating so fast. I did not know if I was just nervous or about to die. I feel his warm breath on me. My eyes locked onto his. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out for a goof 10 minutes.

"I know. But can we please think about of moving to another bunker?" He asked.

"Why?" I questioned, still slightly flustered.

I was sure we were both fully aware that we were both fully flustered by one another. His face was red and so was mine.

"I overheard Luna talking to Jackson awhile ago. Ster, she said her mom may know about this bunker already." His voice was firm.

"And you're telling me this now?" I asked, "We need to get them packed and leave."

I panicked and was about to unlock the first ever lock of the door when he grabbed. His grip was so tight I had no choice but to stare at him right at the face.

"Don't look at me like that. Look, I don't want to call them only because if Luna knew and Jackson too, why didn't the tell us and ran?" He asked me.

I was quite focused on my hands that was still tied up by his. His one hand grabbed both my wrists.

"Let. Me. Go." At that moment I stopped wriggling out of his grip and looked at the floor.

Right. Why did they not run? Why did they not tell us? What was their motive? What was their point? What was the reason? Were they about to break the blood contract? I was sure Edward knew that I was already in the midst of realisation and threw three duffel bags at me along with two backpacks.

"This is the weapons, yes I know we have that placed around the van but still, the more the better." His finger laid on one of the duffel bags.

"I'm guessing the rest is...? Survival?" I asked.

He nodded but shook his head as he pointed to the other duffel bag. I knelt down to open the bag. I watched in shock as I saw my parents belongings and more.

"Here, this is the map." He passed me the map from my parents. It showed the bunkers that existed.

I smiled at him.

"Let's set out tomorrow. To bunker 21." I smiled.

Edward looked at me confused. Right, only 20 bunkers were known. The 21st bunker was found in my mother's ring. Inside the jewel, was the map. I gave it to Edward. He smiled, nodding his head.

"Let's go now. I don't want them after our tail tomorrow morning." He said before starting up the van. I agreed.

There we go. Time to set off I suppose. We may be breaking the contract, who cared. Edward himself can take at least half of them down. I was the brains. He was the strength. Mother always thought we would make a good pair.

Mother was always right, never wrong.

Mother knows best.