
I stood there, my mouth opened, gasping for air. I felt all dizzy. I did not know exactly how to react. I went over to step out of the van just to confirm my constant doubts. At that moment, I forgot how to speak. As I jumped out of the van, I knew. I was not going crazy.

Well there it stood. The huge stupid house. The one with the most memories. It's red paint on the house were already peeling off. There she was. My grandmother, farming away. It has been ten years since I met her. I mean ever since my parents died, a whole new chaos entered. The story is quite long indeed so, I will not get into much detail.

Basically, Grandmother is a human. However, after my parent's death., I ran away from her. I did not want to cause her harm. Which humane person would harm an innocent human? In fact, werewolves were made for protecting humans. However, humans hated us with all their guts. It only caused war between both.