
It was made out of gaping maws on top of gaping maws, ugly, diseased fangs sprouting from each one, and it was made even uglier by the fact that the drool dripping from the mouths was red and thick like blood. Lilac's limbs were now full of joints that seemed superfluous, so numerous they were, except that there was a scare factor in how the limbs resembled human arms and legs, distorted by some malevolence, some alien biology.

"Good dear…"

"You hag…"

All the adventurers cursed as they ran to the door.

Even when she changed back into her krobinnuti form, Diana was not able to open the door again.

Lilac did not seem to be actively threatening them, but she sure did not have a heart anymore, either.

Ian tried three times and ended up thinking that it could have been better to just cruelly blow up the entire building.

That would have meant missing out on the shortcut to the capital.