Chapter Five

Dave slowly stirred awake, and he was having the strangest dream.

A homeless man shot him, and he died only to be brought back as a woman.

Stranded inside a barren world that he had to scavenge for food and water.

He got out of bed and stretched.

His eyes were too blurry to make out any details.

His hands went to his chest.

Man, I had a nice rack! in my dreams, I'm almost sorry to lose them.

His hands automatically went to his chest as he fantasized about his dream he had. He touched something soft and very squeezable, and it took him a while before he realized what he was groping.

His eyes snapped into focus, his surroundings coming into full detail.

He was not in his house, and his hands were not groping his used to be a hairy chest.

So, not a dream then, crud.

He, or should I say she, pried her hands off of her chest, letting out a huge sigh.

Ok, let's get dressed before my hands decide they aren't finished yet.

She picked up the dress that was on the bed and noticed the bed had a drawer in it.

She put the dress back onto the bed and opened the drawer.

It was full of women's underwear and items not appropriate to mention in front of kids.

She took out a black pair of panties, it looked see-through, but some men's shorts looked see-through; when worn, however, it didn't show anything.

She just figured this followed the same concept.

She put them on and figured out she was dead wrong; the underwear did not hide her lower parts at all.

She dug around the drawer, but everything in it was the same, either see-through or just didn't cover anything at all.

Oh well, whatever. It's not like people will be able to see them with the sundress on anyway.

She tried to put on some of the bras but concluded that they were a few sizes too small for her.

Instead, she found a strip of red silk about, 30 in long and 4 in wide, and decided to use it to wrap around her breasts for support.

She figured out that day that tying a knot behind your back was a lot harder than some women make it out to be.

She donned on the sundress and went to the mirror to inspect herself.

Her eyes went wide as she saw her reflection. She was so breathtakingly beautiful she forgot to breathe.

There's no way this could be me, and this girl puts every model to shame by leaps and bounds. The face that stared back at her looked so young and innocent that even she wanted to protect her, even though it was her reflection.

The dress did not touch the ground like she thought it would have. Instead, it was off the floor by a couple of inches.

She tore her eyes off the mirror, not wanting to waste any more time. She needed to get to the city while daylight was still here.

None of the shoes fit her, so she would have to deal with being barefoot until she found a pair that would fit her.

Sarah grabbed a jug of water, intending to bring it with her; she had no idea how long it would be until she found another source of clean water again.

She stood in front of the metal door she noticed last night and tried to open it.

There were creaking metal sounds as she pulled on the handle, she pulled harder, and there was a loud metallic snap as the handle tore off the door.

"I guess that means you're locked, eh," she said, not willing to give up that easily.

She pulled her fist back and slammed it against the center of the door.

Instead of putting a fist-sized dent into the door as she was expecting, the door exploded off its hinges, making a loud booming metallic sound, as if someone shot the door with a cannon.

The door cartwheeled up a tunnel and disappeared out of an opening, 20 yards ahead, that had blinding bright light coming from it. Well, at least I don't have to go back up the flight of stairs to get back outside.

She exited the tunnel to blinding brightness, and it took her eyes a couple of seconds to adjust to the light.

Sarah blinked when she noticed she was at the bottom of the mountain now.

The sun was just rising as it peaked over the horizon.

Well, now all I got to do is head directly south, and I should hit a few small cities before I come across New York City.

Sarah happened to live 60 miles north of the big city, but if she could find a means of transportation, she could be there in an hour.

Sarah was several miles away from where she had stayed two nights ago, and she was cursing at herself for her stupidity.

Why hadn't she brought the four remaining cans of food with her, why had she not taken some extra clothes with her as well, and why the hell! had she not crossed any cities by now.

Why didn't she just take a road to get to where she was going.

"Oh no, going directly south will be faster...well look at us now you moron, WE'RE LOST," she shouted the last part hysterically. She dropped the nearly empty jug of water onto the ground and fell to her knees, getting her already dirty dress even dirtier.

"I want to go home," she said in a soft, mournful voice as tears leaked down her face.

She tried to wipe them away, but they kept coming.

She gave in and started sobbing, for the first time, in her entire life.

She wasn't sure how long she sat there sobbing, but something made her stand on her feet in alarm.

The ground underneath her was shaking violently.

A colossal worm burst out of the ground in front of her.

Her eyes widened when she saw the size of the worm, the head that suddenly jumped out of the ground was so big it blocked out the sky. When the head suddenly shot towards her in its downward motion, she could see that it was a massive hole, with layers of sharp teeth circling its mouth, going down into its stomach.

Sarah jumped to the side just in time to evade the gargantuan sized sandworm landing in a roll.

the body of the worm disappeared under the ground taking her water bottle with it

She felt her blood boil when she saw her water disappear down the sandworm's belly.

That was the only water she had, and she hadn't found any to replenish it in the two days that she had been out here either.

Her knuckles tightened into fists, making cracking sounds.

The worm popped out of the ground again; this time, when she dodged, she waited for the worm's head to disappear before acting.

Sarah leaped towards the center of the sandworm's arch as hard as she could and punched it with everything she had.

There was a squelching noise as her fist completely obliterated the worm's body, tearing the body into two halves.

Massive amounts of blue blood and guts soaked the ground for several yards from the impact and even getting all over her, drenching her clothes as well as her face as she flew past the worm. There was a deep and loud roaring sound coming from the ground, sounding like a tortured and dying creature.

There was a different problem, though, as the worm's body didn't slow her forward momentum in the slightest.

She kept moving through the air at incredibly high speeds.

Sarah wasn't sure what to do, or even what she could do at this moment, as she watched the landscape underneath her fly by at high speeds.

Well, at least I'm heading in well, sort of the right direction anyway.

For several minutes Sarah flew through the air, the landscape not changing from the barren wasteland she had been traversing this whole time.

She missed the color green, and it would have been so much nicer to fly through the air above a green pasture or a field of flowers for that matter.

Sarah began to wonder just what that creature was. There was no way it was a sandworm, she wasn't even in sand, so maybe earthworm might be the operative word here.

Sarah felt her momentum ebbing and concentrated on her surroundings.

She surveyed the area and noticed a city with a giant tree in its midst just in front of her.

Sarah wasn't exactly sure where she was at this point, so she didn't know what city it was. Although she could say for sure, it was not New York City.

There being no skyscrapers was a big giveaway for her.

She landed just outside the city, or she would like you to believe she landed, but in reality, she tried doing a hero landing, trying to look cool, only to lose her balance and tumble across the dirt for several yards.

She tried dusting off her dress the best she could, but it was so dirty by now it didn't do her much good.

Not to mention the still wet blood and guts that covered her dress and face.

Now she wished she had her water to clean this disgusting sticky blood off her face.

Sarah arrived in the city, gawking at all the vines that seemed to wrap around every part of the city, A loss for words at what she saw.

The giant tree she saw in the distance was far more significant than she had initially thought.

The tree towered over the city, and it was so high that it made Sarah dizzy, just staring at it.

The base of the tree was quite a bit wider than the three buildings it grew next to, which were separated by a few yards apart.

The roots of the tree knocked over several of the buildings around it, while others had vines covering them, a few even digging into the building crushing it.

The tree oddly looked like an oak tree, but far bigger and bushier.

She walked between buildings hollering every once in a while to see if anybody was around.

"Hello, is anybody there?" She hollered for the umpteenth time.

Her voice would echo down the empty buildings and streets of the city.

Sarah paused from her shouting when she heard a noise on the other side of the building beside her.

She glanced towards it curiously, but the building looked abandoned, with the usual green vines wrapping itself around the building.

Sarah's eyes widened though, for one second, the building was right before her, the next a colossal paw that was bigger than the building rammed the side of it, sending the building off to the side in thousands of tiny pieces.

Sarah gulped when she saw the lumbering three stories tall bear staring directly at her.

She took a tentative step back, but that seemed to enrage the bear even more.

It opened its giant maw and roared at Sarah.

The bear's roar sent spittle and what smelled like fish breath directly at Sarah.

Sarah's heart hammered; she was just about to turn tail and flee, but the monster bear's paw blurred, coming at Sarah faster than she could react.

The massive paw slammed into Sarah's side, sending her flying through the air uncontrollably.

She slammed into a building and went straight through it, bits of concrete and wood blowing out in all directions as she crashed through the walls.

She went through 3 more buildings before she came to a halt, slamming against a sturdy concrete wall of a grocery store.

Her impact still left a small crater in the wall, though.

Sarah's eyes gleamed as she got back to her feet.

She glared at the bear that was charging towards her.

The impact didn't do much damage to her though she hadn't even felt the massive paw hit her.

No, her anger wasn't from pain or being flung through the air like a rag doll.

It was from the clothes she had that was now riddled with several tears and holes from the buildings she went through.

The bear was still several hundred yards away, but with the fast pace it was making, it would arrive in seconds instead of minutes.

Sarah crouched low, putting herself in a crouch start.

She knew how to do this from taking track back in high school; she was never any good at track and gave it up in her second year, opting to take fencing instead.

Sarah took in three breaths, controlling her center. Her eyes were deadlocked on the oncoming bear, having her full concentration.

Everything seemed to slow down in her eyes, her breathing seemed to take forever, and the bear was now running at a prolonged speed.

If anybody were to have looked at Sarah at that moment, they would have seen her eyes glowing with a brilliant blue light that radiated power.

Sarah bolted off her back foot. There was an explosion as the ground buckled and blew apart from her explosive running start.

The building Sarah was next to crumbled to pieces as she flew across the ground.

Sarah's body blurred as she sprinted across the city towards the bear.

Every step she took exploded the ground underneath her feet, sending chunks of the earth in all directions.

When Sarah was within a hundred feet of the bear, she stomped her right foot against the ground hard, vaulting her straight towards the bear's massive head, which was at least three stories off the ground.

When Sarah's foot hit the ground, sending her upward towards the bear, the foundation for several yards looked like an explosion went off underneath the ground, sending hundreds of rocks and earth the size of a human's torso, straight up for several feet before crashing back to the world.

Sarah's body blurred, heading straight towards the bear's head.

The bear from the point of Sarah's insane sprint towards it had barely taken one step by the time Sarah had run over two hundred yards.

Her fist pulled back and then blurred as she shot it towards the center of the bear's head. The punch made a resounding thwack sound as ripples formed on the bear's head.

The bear's tongue fell out of its mouth as the punch impacted.

If anybody saw what happened next their, jaws would have dropped open, for the punch a little girl no bigger than a mouse compared to a German shepherd, had lifted the bear off its feet and sent it flying through the air even faster than the bear managed to make her fly.

Instead of just leaving human-shaped holes in the buildings like her, the three-story bear's body completely demolished the buildings it went through.

The bear finally came to a stop when it crashed against one of the enormous roots above ground, which was part of the giant tree.

Sarah walked up to the giant bear, curious as to whether she had killed it or not.

The bear was crumpled on the ground right next to the giant root it had hit, and it was currently lying on its side with its head laying flat on the soil.

The bear stirred; it slowly got to his feet and shook its head.

When the bear finally got his blurry vision working correctly, it looked around.

When the bear's eyes caught sight of Sarah standing a few yards away, with her beautiful red hair and torn dress fluttering in the wind, staring at him, its eyes bulged, a look of utter terror plastered on its face.

It took a step back, never taking his eyes off Sarah, but it hit its rear against the root, which made it freeze with terror.

Sarah couldn't help herself and started giggling at the bear's antics.

The bear, taking that as its opportunity to flee, bolted to the side, running as fast as it could, away from the girl it should never have messed with in the first place.