Chapter 6: Nature Element

When Ryan was going into the room, he thought "which one should I go first?" There are 6 rooms and five he can go to now. 

He said loudly. Bogdan, which should I go to first?

Bogdan said, well since "it's gonna hurt". So you should go in which hurts less, then move towards which hurts more.

Ryan agreed with Bogdan, he said yeah you are right.

Ryan started thinking…He thought I should go like this (Nature, water, wind, fire, lightning).

Every "room has a sign of an element on their doors".

Ryan went towards the "Nature door".

When he went inside, he saw a "completely different kind of environment, it was pretty large, compared to what he saw outside.

He felt like he was in "a forest".

He saw a "big tree", and there was something "written there". Sit here and meditate.

Ryan saw "a stone below the note". He thought I'm pretty sure now, "this one's gonna take a lot of time".

Ryan Talked to himself, can meditation give pain? No absolutely no!

But he had no choice, he couldn't even leave this place, so he sat there and began to meditate. When he sat there, he felt "some kind of power, trying to influence him", to "make his mind blank and continue to meditate".

In starting Ryan thought, Bogdan's arrangements are perfect.

He meditated for several hours and hours and hours, but nothing happened, and "due to that power, he is in confusion now". His one thought was to not do meditation but the other was to continue it.

That power, which was pressuring him to mediate, was "becoming stronger from time to time". But Ryan's "thought of resting" was becoming stronger too.

Ryan was mentally not able to take it, but then that power pressure increased and he continues to meditate.

Ryan now has given up, he "slowly started to stop resting that power" and he was now "lost in nature".

Just like this, "several years passed". Ryan who was lost in nature came back to his senses, he felt refreshed.

He saw a "nature-like aura around his soul". He felt different now. Like nature around him, he can see it better and clearly now. 

When he was feeling changes, the "room suddenly disappeared". Ryan was outside now. 

Ryan saw Bogdan, he said "how much time has passed?"

Bogdan said according to earth's time, "6months months have passed".

Ryan said "are you sure only 6 months have passed?''

Bogdan said yes. Actually, for you, "only 2.5 years have passed", but for me only 6 months. "Inside time was 5×faster".

Ryan was shocked because this object has, completely taken on a different meaning, than what he said. He thought before going into the nature room, he said to Bogdan that, he wants to do it fast because he doesn't want to get bored.

Ryan said to Bogdan. Bogdan, I said I want it faster because, "I will feel bored". I don't mean that you should make a time difference, between inside and outside.

Bogdan said yes, that's what I did, you might have felt some "mysterious pressure upon you". Which makes you meditate.

"If you were going in a normal way, the pressure would be very less". You might not even feel the pressure, which was trying to change your mind. You will do your meditation slowly compared to this one, where you have to do it continuously.

Ryan said confusingly, But what's the relation between my question and your answer?

Bogdan said there is, the pressure makes you think "time is going slower". It's like your world concept of gravity, where time is going at normal speed but due to gravity, you feel your time is faster, but the other is slower.

Ryan seized and said "ok! I understand".

He started moving and went near the "water element door'' and said, '' Now I am going to the water room".

Then he went inside the water room.

"What do you think the water room is like?"