Chapter 12 : Elves, Demons and Humans

"Chapter leaks"- In this chapter, I am going to cover the new world where mc arrives, its history & its present situation etc. I hope you have liked the "leaks" 😂.


This "world name" is *Arc*It is divided into "5 continents". Human continent, demon continent, elf continent, spirit continent & dragon continent.

"Human and demon" continents are attached. But because of environmental differences, it is divided into separate continents.

While humans and demons are constantly engaged in war, life in the elf continent, dragon and spirit continent is peaceful.

The "Dragon continent" is considered one of the most powerful continents in the world. As not only dragons reside there but also several other species. Its size and resources are also, more than other continents.

"Spirit continent" is like the legend, people have never seen it but they believe spirits come from there.

"Elves are subspecies of humans", in the starting, these people were "born unique", they can see and summon powerful spirits, they are peaceful and these people like to live with nature.

"After some time", these people wanted to get closer to spirits, so they started "living in forests".

"Around 2000-3000 years later", people who were living in forests got some changes in their bodies, they became "more beautiful with longer lifespans". And spirits also liked these people. So people don't know if it is due to the blessing of spirit or evolution. But this is a commonly known story in the "world of Arc".

But human "noblesse and royalties", who got greedy for these people's beauty, started putting high bounties for capturing these people alive, and from here on also "slavery concept started".

Elves also try to resist but they are low in numbers and they can't do anything, even if they are powerful. Those guys sometimes "burn whole forests" and "dozens of years later", several "elf's summon powerful spirits at the cost of their lifespan".

Some of them even summoned "evil spirits", because of their grudge against humans who captured their wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, children etc.

The people who summoned "evil spirits" got "transformed into demons", and "spirits" don't get close to them because of their "evil aura".

While elves have "disadvantages of reproduction", demons don't have it. The only disadvantages they have are that they are "crazy and evil".

While some elves who summoned "powerful spirits* which were not evil (like earth, nature, etc.) asked those spirits to "build separate continents" for them and "save elves", which have been captured by the human race, and through this "elf won" and the human race has to give up all the captured elves.

While "millions of elves" move to the new continent, "100 thousand of them who summoned evil spirits" are still "crazily attacking humans", even if the human race has surrendered.

And where those "evil elves" live regions started to become more "demonic and evil". Now, these elves are called demons, by the people.

Within "100 years", demons have conquered "half of the human continent".

"Millions of humans died", and people started "paying to the god", because people from the temple can fight against these demons, using "holy magic".

Just like this a "goddess appeared", who gave her blessings to "2 human beings", who were saint and hero. She also gave a "holy sword and a staff" to the temple. Which can be used by "hero and saintness" to eliminate demons. (Hero isn't chosen based on gender, but the saint is always a girl, people say it is because goodness is a lady too.)

In the starting saintness is just one of the "talented individuals", later "she was baptised with the holy Power" and she became saintness.

While the hero, needed to "train sword technique and stuff etc. Saintness after getting baptised became, "maxed level" only needed to learn how to use that Power properly, she can heal, she can do some solid attacks and she can also protect.

Even though the hero wields a "holy sword", saintness was the "main character". And both of them later formed a "perfect team" with the "strongest humans" and started a "journey on defeating demons".

In the starting, demons have taken these heroes' parties lightly, but "after 10 years" these people have defeated "all the major demons" and they return to their homes.

Then the temple started to eliminate other "weaker demons".

"Demons", who have conquered "half of the human continent", now have "only 10% of the continent" remaining under demon's control. Demons were captured by humans and taken as slaves, prisoners etc.

Again the same situation got repeated and this time demons who were running away decided to "offer the biggest sacrifice" to summon the "greatest demon".

Demons then went around the continent, "captured several humans" and also "sacrificed their lives". It is said that "almost 1 million" demons and humans were sacrificed and the "demon king was born".

Under a demon king's lead, demons again "started to attack humans". This time the demon's prime target was the "temple". Because of this, the "temple was almost destroyed", then a fight between heroes and the "demon king" happened and the "demon king lost"

But around this time, "20 years" have passed and several new strong demons were born and demons also have "conquered half the continent" and most of the "heroes have either died, got injured or retired".

After the demon king got defeated, both humans and demons "stop attacking each other" and retreat to recover the damage. 

But both didn't know that, due to their "constant war for 100's of years" an "evil god" was born.


Author- Here is the thing I want to clarify, why I said human is the most perfect form?

"My 1st reason" is pretty simple, I wanted logically human-looking people all around the different universes, different worlds etc.

"2nd reason" is as most of us have read several Cultivation and Magic novels, we all know that several powerful beasts or species after some specific stage or levels, transform into humans, so we all have already started to imagine that beast or monster like a dragon, phoenix, bugs become Powerful or follow certain evolution possess will transform into humans.

From these two points, I have taken the concept of humans as the most perfect form.


The remaining part of this chapter will be covered in the "next chapter".