Chapter 17: Pure Demon From Underworld

First of all, "let's introduce 10 demon generals" before starting the story.

10- "Silent Demon General" [Raka] ( He does mostly assassin-type work )

9- "Assistant Demon General" [Silvia] (She makes all the plans related to attack, strategy etc.)

8- "Bull Demon General" [Rock] ( He is a very strong demon general with a big hammer.)

7- "Magician Demon General" [Satu] ( He can cast powerful magic attacks.)

6- "Succubus Demon General" [Mary] (She can seduce people and sucks their life force.)

5- "Giant Demon General" [Fag] (He is very big and strong.)

4- "A Cat demon gender" [Bast] (she is a cat demon, who is not only strong but also fast.)

3- "A Witchcraft Demon General" [Beth] (She does things like giving the curse, spreading disease etc.)

2- "A Lust Full Demon General" [Pan] (He is a fat demon general. He is very corrupt, and greedy, and holds a very large influence in the demon kingdom.)

1- "Destroyer Demon General" [Zag] ( He is a crazy demon general, who is always looking for a fight, he can also cast very strong magic.)


Demon General Pan, "united saintness chain from the wall", but her hand and neck still have chains. Then he "dragged the saintness" toward the "Chikoma's Lab".

When Chikoma saw the saintness, the condition was "very bad". He said, we need to make her come into proper condition.

He ordered his assistants to take care of her and "bring her in better health".

After some time "a dragon's dead body arrived", it was from the "dragon continent'' that the "demon king hunted" in the past and stored it in his "treasury".

Chikoma was very happy to see that almost all the material had come. He said  now, we only need a seed of a "pure demon".

Demon General Pan said "take my seed", my family has existed for a long time, we have the "most noblest bloodline".

Chikoma said no, "your family bloodline is not pure". We need to "summon a demon from the underworld" and get his seed.


Silvia said, we will need "a lot of sacrifice" for it and the "stronger we want to summon, the more we need*.

She continued and said I will "prepare a plan" to get as many as humans for sacrifice.

And after months of preparation, they have got "100 thousand humans alive", but in the process around "100 thousand, humans have to die".

They started sacrificing people into magic circles and "Satu" was speaking a spell in the "ancient demon language*.

And after some time Boom, a demon with a "very pure demonic aura" appeared. 

He saw that there were several demons and "dead human bodies", but these "demons were not pure*. Because of his "pure bloodline" he can feel their aura.

In the past, he heard some of the "demons were summoned into this world" and they "granted powers" to some of the people, "who summoned them" and it looks like these are those people.

He said in a "majestic voice", "what did you summon me for?"

"Bast" said funnily, we summoned you for "your seed".

When the demon heard this he got "embarrassed" and said angrily ``what do you mean by this?"

Silvia came forward and said let me explain, "sir demon", then she started explaining the situation. 

After understanding the whole situation, the demon said, I can give it to you, "but your plan will not work".

He said gods are "a completely different existence". Killing them is next to impossible for you guys, But you can continue your work to create "a strong demon through my seed".

But if you want to "kill God", you need help from the "demon world".

I cannot stay much on time on this planet, so I will give you "a list to prepare". When you collect all this material, "you only need to summon me 3-4 times" more and I will make a gate which will connect to the "demon world".

"10 demon generals" were shocked to hear this, but they understood that if they wanted to "defeat the gods", they needed the help of demons from the "demon world".

"So they agreed!"

Then a demon from the demon world gave them his "seed* and list of material, actually he also wanted to see, how the demon from the "mixed species" would look like.

He also gave them "a particular spell" and so they will just summon him. So he can "create the gate", which connects to his "world faster".

And after doing this, he went back to his world, he "informed about this to the head of his family" in the demon world, and he was actually "a young master of a very noble clan in the demon world", his family is the "strongest family after the royal family".

His family has "very close connection with the royal family" and his father informed the "royal family" about this and they gave "him reward and praised him". 

And they also started "preparing an army to take over that world".

Even though it might take "several dozens of year" to go to that world, "but they also need to collect material* and inform "various families to be prepared".


That's it for today, sorry for not uploading the chapter Yesterday.