Chapter 19: Saintnes Run Away With Child.

This process continued even though saintness was given several pills and she was getting "weaker and weaker".

Now, "500 days have passed", normally it would take only "around 300 days" for a baby to be born, even in demons it takes "only 50 days".

Saintness who looks beautiful now is a "very slim", she had never changed her clothes, nor taken bath until now, which made her look like a "beggar".

"Tik tik!"

Chikoma heard this sound and saw that the "egg started to crack".

He told his servants to inform "10 demon generals".

"Soon everyone arrived!"

Crack started to become bigger and a "human looking baby" came out.

"Everyone was shocked" that the baby looked like a human.

They saw that there were wings behind his back and his head also had horns and a55 had a tail.

Which were characteristics of demons but these were little different from normal demons. They were "white colour". and his skin colour and aura is different too. They can feel the "darkness element".

Chikoma told his servant to bring something.

And his servant Bringed it.

It was a "magical device" which can check "your status".

When they put the baby's hand on it, they didn't see anything.

The demon generals asked, ``what happened?'' and "why didn't he have any status?" Some of them even thought he was "dead" because his eyes were closed.

"Since only dead people don't have status!"

But they clearly saw the "baby breathing".

Chikoma said, as you guys know, "status is created by the gods" and this world and I think because this baby's creation goes "against the world". That's why it doesn't have status.

So will this baby be able to fight against gods.

Chikoma said, ``I don't know if it is possible or not, but this baby is "completely different", so there might be a possibility.

When demon generals heard this, they were "happy".

After some time everyone went away, Chikoma told them he will do "some more experiments", for "final results".

He took the baby and started to examine the body and it was "a pretty solid body".

He thought that elements it might be able to cultivate might be "darkness and a holy element", so he didn't check the baby's element.

Then he Bringed this baby to where saintness was. Saintness saw the baby too, she can feel "holy Power" but it was different. Normally, a ` "golden colour aura '' will be around the body of the person, who has "holy powers", but her child has "withe aura*.

Chikoma laughed, haa! And he said,

"Thanks to you", the experiment was successful. See with your eyes, how your baby will "destroy humanity".

Saintness has already thought and cried about this "several times". But now she didn't want to do that, she said can you let me "hold my baby".

Chikoma thought something,  nothing can happen, since saintness was tied up with "those chains".

And he thought the baby would also need "milk" so he gave the "baby to her".

When saintnes got the baby she saw properly that the "baby had wings, tail and horn". She was scared at first, but "she calmed down".

Chikoma has already gone away, telling his servant to "keep an eye on her".

Saintness started crying, she held the "baby in her arm and hugged it", while crying.

Then she saw the baby opened its eyes and started moving his hands. 

The "baby's eyes were also white". She doesn't know what to say.

Baby started to move its hand and leg and it said "ah! A! Etc. Sounds".

Saintness saw that baby got dirty, just after she hugged him, then looked at herself, she saw that "she was very dirty". 

She doesn't want her baby to get dirty anymore, so she told two servants of Chikoma, "can I go and take a bath?'' I need to feed the baby, as you can see "I am very dirty".

Servant saw that she was very dirty, but they said no. But one of them said something to the other one's ears, and then both nodded and Bringed bucket of cold water and threw it on her and soon saintness was "wet in water".

They started laughing and said how did you like this "cold water".

She was holding the baby and it also went on it, so the "baby started crying".

She asked angrily, "why did you do this?"

Isn't this child going to be your "new king"?

They said human, I think you "understand wrongly", it will just be a "puppet of our not our king". We don't care "how you and this child feels".

In reality they both hate "humans inside from their heart", as their "several family members and relatives were killed by humans".

She tried to calm down the baby, but the "baby started to cry". His cry was very unique, it contained, "some magical powers". (In reality it was the power of Chaos element)

Since the baby got angry he unintentionally used the "Chaos element".

"Soon chains around saintness started to crack", while those servants had already covered their ears and they also started to go outside. So they didn't focus much on chains, because this cry was completely different; it was "louder than they might have imagined".

Saintness also started feeling "pain in her ears" and "she was closest", "blood started to come out from her ears", but she tried to calm the baby down. And after some time the "baby calmed down" and she got relaxed.

Demon's could not take the sound so they already went outside the room. When the sound stopped, they waited for "5 minutes" and went inside ,;but what they saw was no one was there. And the "lab'' was completely destroyed.

They started thinking what happened, "where did baby and saintness went", they started to fear, "what will happen with them".😱


Finally, I got some comments on "Webnovel*, as I only published this novel in two places, "Royal road and Webnovel".

Thanks everyone, if you read on a web novel then, you can support me through "Power Stone" as one person gets one Power Stone a day. You just need to go to the voting section in the comment box and vote for this novel, it will help this novel to reach more people. "Thanks everyone".

Today is late just because I woke up late. I wrote all the novel around 3-4 hours ago, but only the double cot, comma etc part remained. I feel this is one of the most boring parts, but I have to do it so it might look good.