Chapter 21: Baby Got Hungry

"Saintness" puts the baby in the river, so the baby can die, but she doesn't know that the baby not only has "dark or light elements, but also water elements" and some others. Due to it, the baby survived in the water.

It's not that people with water elements can live in water, but due to the influence of "Ryan's soul", which has cultivated a water element, the baby's body was influenced by it and "can breathe and live in water".

In the beginning, the "baby cried", when he was put in the river, but later he started going with the flow of water and saw fish.

The Baby became excited, as he "automatically moved" faster and faster with the flow of the river, and in the end, the river ended in the ocean.

Now, "the baby" is in the ocean and there are also several monsters, some of them tried to eat the baby, but their "teeth got broken".

"A day passed" and "the baby was hungry", but no one gave him food. He started to cry, and because of the crying "the ocean around him became messy" and several water monster species ran away.

But "the baby" got more and more hungry and started "crying louder and louder", some "intelligent species" got very disturbed because of this.

Then a "large and powerful octopus monster" went to the area where the baby was. He put his tentacles on the baby's mouth to stop it from crying, but the "baby started suking tentacles", But the baby didn't got any milk-like thing from it, so it bites the tentacle of the octopus.

The "octopus screamed", it shook its tentacle, but "the baby" was still stuck to it.

"Baby" got blood in his mouth, after biting the tentacle and it started suking blood.

"Octopus" started to lose its blood so it shook its tentacle more and more but the situation was still the same.

Soon the "octopus becomes dried" due to the loss of blood 

But "the baby" became happy, because its stomach was full.

"Octopus" was now very angry, so he thought of eating the baby. He put his tentacle on the baby and brought him to his mouth.

But when "Octopus" tried to bite the baby his teeth got broken and the baby felt little pain from the octopus biting, so it started to cry.

A "boom" sound came and the "octopus got blasted".

"The baby" was now covered in blood, but the blood soon disappeared, as he was in the water.

But some other species, who saw this got scared, and some of them were part of the "intelligent species colonies'', so they informed their heads.

Soon one of the main "colony's heads" arrived. It was a mermaid species. 

So a total of "5 people arrived", one old man, 1 man who was leading, and the remaining 3 identities unknown (they can be guards or any other people.)

An "old mermaid man" saw the child from afar. 

"Later" when he got closer, he saw that, baby had a wing, tail, and horn, and all were white.

"Old mermaid man" name is "Pick".

"Pick" is confused, what species this child might be? It might be a dragon, because they have tails, horns and wings, but normally "baby dragons" cannot transform into humans. 

So is this "kid dragon" or not, if not dragon then what it might be?

"Pick" was very confused.

He thought something and said to his subordinates, I think this kid is a dragon.

Other species of people were present too, so they started taking in themselves kid is dragon and ….

Then Pick said, so I decided to bring this kid to the old dragon.