Chapter 24: Crystal Ball

"Some days later",

"Pick" came with some people where the baby was & he put the baby's hand on a "crystal ball".

This "crystal ball" was white in colour, but you can't see what is inside It. "Pick" was holding this "crystal ball" with it's "golden handle", which was attached below it.

["Crystal ball" is a magic ball which "shows your stats to other people", normally your stats can only be seen by you, but "with crystal ball other people can see too".]

But there was no change in it, "Pick" was shocked and confused. 

"Pick" took the crystal ball and put his own hand, and his "status window" appeared in front of everyone.

[ So what this "status window" contains

1- time, 2- age, 3-profession and its stage ]

[ "Profession" can be divided in two types

1-Physical, 2-Magician ]

[ "So how did the Crystal ball actually work?"

It's pretty simple, as you put your hand on it, this crystal ball will send a "magical wave" and this magical wave will hit the status window, and come back and shows what was recorded on that status window  ]

Then he again put the "baby's hand" on it, but nothing happened.

"Pick" made the conclusion that there might only be "two possibilities" for this: "either the baby doesn't have stats" or "he is using magic to block it", which cannot be possible as it is only a baby.

"Pick" though, if you can't see the baby's status window, it might become dangerous, if all of sudden the "baby got stronger" without them knowing.

"People behind Pick" said, "demon baby" doesn't have a "status window". And they started gossiping about it ..... . 

"Pick" also saw this, it took him days to convince the "mermaid peoples", but now this simple thing is making a mess.

"Pick" said, everyone calm down [as lot of people come to see the baby status window]

"Pick" said, this baby is very strong and bla bla bla ….. and "after half an hour of talking", he finally managed to calm down the crowd,

"Pick" said to people besides him, to go and bring that "elemental crystal ball". Since he can't see the status window, he will see the "baby's element".

They said "Ok!"

"After some minutes*,

"Mermaid man" Bringed an "elemental crystal ball".

[ "So how does this elemental crystal ball work?"

As you put your hand on the "crystal ball", it will send "different elements Magical waves" in your body, and this will come back and "show your elements". ]

"Pick" picked the elemental crystal ball from their hand and put baby's hand on it and soon all the elements that baby has appeared, except one that was "Chaos element".

[ "Chaos element" didn't appeared, because that crystal ball can't produce, Chaos element magical wave. ]

Soon "Pick and people" behind him saw, "several colours light appeared", these lights were.

Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Dark Green, Black and White.

"Pick" was shocked and People behind him were too.