Page 7

Grey literally couldn't believe himself at all , he was Sir. Irwin of Cunningham. He had even gone to the point of being nice and all. He actually regretted his plan so far but it was worth it since right now they were headed to her house. She had invited him for lunch at her house. Kindness was enough to melt away this fragile human. She was one to be easily swayed by acts of love and kindness.

That was not a very good trait that's why people like her needed like to be protected. And that was protection he was not willing to offer for now.

He entered the house after her, it was warm. Warm enough for the season.

"Welcome" she said as she dropped everything she had bought.


Klaus set out in the evening and headed straight to the market in Cunningham. He was dropped off at the town square. The festivities were heightening. It would be much more harder now to find him since people from other towns would be much greater quantities.

He walked in the alley that was always desolate but at night it was a whole different story. Men lined up to enter this brothels. He tried to trace his scent but it was to no avail.

Lastly he ended up at the back of market, there was a lonely street that headed to the corner of the town of Cunningham and the Lake. He walked slowly but stopped when he heard some voice speak.

"Do you know what happened to witches when I was younger?"


"Speak to you stupid witch!" the tall heavily built man asked in a growl as he captured the girls jaw aggressively which made the girl wince. She shook her head.

"We burned them , we tied them on a pole in the middle of town and burned them alive ,they screamed and..." the man continued to talk while all his words fell in the background. He looked at the woman who was being held captive. She looked scared but she had mastered alot of courage as she hit the big man on his groin who winced and cursed under his breath. She ran out his grasp and ran through the lonely street further until she disappeared from his sight.

"What were you looking at?" the guy who had been with the girl asked as he came to stand in front of him. Klaus punched him in the face and left him half unconscious on the ground. He could still hear her heartbeat. She hadn't left ,she was still around but he didn't know where.


Aella just couldn't take it anymore, running Everytime. No denying it,she was a witch but a powerless one at that. She couldn't perform magic as expected of her. That's why she had been sent to the market while the rest of the family was in the house having a feast. She moved from the bush she was hiding from and walked back to the street to go back to the market. She couldn't go back home without the groceries needed or else she would face it.

The guy from earlier had disappeared from her sight and she now had the freedom of walking since her bully was out of the way thanks to the guy whom she had no ideas of where he was. She walked into the busy streets of Cunningham and bought everything she needed.

"You know ,you should say Thankyou when someone helps you" a voice came from behind her. An unfamiliar one at that.

She turned and saw him, walking towards her. One thing was for sure he already knew that she was a witch.

He looked like he came from a wealthy family. His attire could tell the whole story.

"Am sorry I didn't see you afterwards , Thankyou though" she replied politely she seriously didn't want to trouble with the people in this town so she avoided any kind of friendships and long conversations with them.

She fell into a daze as she stared at him , he was handsome, silver white hair that looked almost liker hers ,green coloured eyes and small pink lips. The lips almost looked feminine but they suited him perfectly.

His lips curved into a smile as her gaze crept back up to his eyes.

She had been caught red handed gawking at him, she could feel the heat come up to her cheeks.

"Oh I have to go now am late "she turned and walked away avoiding any kind of eye contact with him.

She hurried back and got back to the lonely street that led her home. She was easily flustered by the man's handsomeness itself. How shameless.

She hurried back to the route that led back home,the lonely one. "You shouldn't run from,I don't bite" she heard his voice,now she was sure it was him. The voice came from above her ,she saw squatting on one of the branches that was about to break. It creaked one last time and she saw him lose his stability and fell. She closed her eyes waiting for a crash but nothing happened.

On opening her eyes,he was right before her face. "What do you want from me?"

She couldn't help but be curious.

"Am Klaus Laviscount" he stretched out his palm and she greeted back. Obviously an Imperial ,she had read about them in books.

"Aella Cosgrove"

"What kind of witch are you?" he asked as he walked to the direction she was going to.

"Just like any other" she couldn't tell the bitter truth of herself. She had gone through enough shame already.

He raised a brow, "You could've defended yourself but you didn't,why?" he asked. That shut her mouth as she had nothing to tell him.

"AELLA!!" she was startled by the sudden and loud call by her sister who was Infront of the house.

"Have to go now ,bye" she scurried off to her home ready to now face the wrath of her sister and mother. He was left still looking at the modern house in the middle of the Forests.