
Page 51

Thanks @π‘ π‘Ÿπ‘¦π‘Ž, @π΄π‘šπ‘Žπ‘›π‘‘π‘Ž_7780 and @π»π‘’π‘Žπ‘‘β„Žπ‘’π‘Ÿ_π΄π‘‘π‘Žπ‘šπ‘ _6295 for voting.


Aella was excited when Noona told her they were going to train. Noona had taken her to some cliff then sat down folded her legs and started meditating.

She question the form of training but trusted her.

She followed her lead and for the past one hour she was quiet and litsening to nothing. She only heard the rustling of leaves some distance from them and a squirrel and birds above plus the strong wind. She wanted some sort of action not sitting down for hours doing nothing.

Klaus was at the cabin translating some books, the ones from the tomb. She was still struggling with hers.

"Noona?" she called but the old woman just kept still. She stood and walked to where the foodstuffs were. There was porridge and she loved it so she ate it instead.


"Aella?" she looked up to see Noona smiling down at her and sat down looking at her. She felt like she was being picked apart from all corners. Noona had a way she intimidated her even without saying a word just like her father did back then.

"What happened?"

After some silence she replied, "I got bored"

Noona smiled her bright smile, "That's a lie"

It π‘€π‘Žπ‘  a lie.

"You're impatient and angry" Noona scooped the porridge with her spoon looking at the mountains ahead.


She shook her head and started to speak but Noona beat her to it, "Impatient since you want to learn what you can do so fast which is not very helpful for now and angry" she breathed, " angry at what they subjected you to angry that your father and family betrayed angry at what he did to your mother and then continued to you and lastly angry at yourself"

Yes she was, she was angry at herself especially since she had never had the power to protect herself, angry that her father wanted to take away what was hers and there was nothing she could do about it back then and that even now she still could do nothing if it ever happened again.

Still helpless and waiting to be saved.

That's why she was impatient. Her anger and impatience went hand in hand but something else had caught her attention.

"You said something about my mother, what he did to my mother?" she knew very little about her mother and Noona seemed informed in a better way.

"Oh!" she looked shocked then realization dawned on her features. "Oh, you don't know because obviously he didn't tell you did he?"

She shook her head, she felt like a shoe was about to drop.

Noona smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, "We need to eat before I start story telling, let's go home now am tired too"

She didn't like that she had to wait till they arrived and maybe ate. Impatience.


Klaus placed the translation book on the table where he had been working on for the past half a day. Noona and Aella left three hours ago and he still had zero success in translating.

Tariah language was the hardest and the only people who could translate were from Northern Dalotopia and he wasn't ready to avail his presence there. He still had to figure out somethings about the place.

He would need to find a better way to get this done.

He heard the breathing of Aella, they were coming back already. Her heart rate was rabid which made him question what was happening or what happened.

They came back early, during his training years they would spend the whole day at the cliff since he usually taught himself how to fly from there.

"You feel it too Aella right, there is something in that forest" Noona said as she scanned the area, he could see her through the window.

"Yeah, some hissing sound" he got alarmed and walked out. He wore a shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned and black pants. He looked casual.

"Hissing?" he asked inching closer towards them. He hid his smile when her heart started it's beautiful song. Her eyes were glued on him. Assessing him maybe, he didn't know there were times when he couldn't read her eyes.

"Yeah, let's go Cosgrove" Noona dragged Aella inside and he checked out the whole area. The snake clan had one tendency, they always followed the most powerful being around them.


He didn't see any slithering creature or the hissing sound and no rustling. The serpent around knew he was searching for it and he would find and pull out it's fangs and keep them as a momento for future use.

He would have to pay that clan a visit. They were coming too far now and would risk her life and if they not only felt but saw what she was capable of they would sell her information to the North which would eventually risk her life.

And it would be a repetition of the past.

Walking back to the cabin he glanced back one last time then joined the two ladies. Aella was up and Noona's worried look landed on him, he frowned.

The excitement he had to go bother Aella dissipated a little.

"What's wrong?"

"She doesn't know what happened to her mother"

"She doesn't?" he knew what happened and he guessed she knew but he had never asked what she knew. He knew alot about her but there were somethings he never asked or figured out about her.


"You'll tell her since I have to deal with some reptiles" he said picking up his coat. Noona seemed to understand,

"They came here right?" she smiled deviously.

"I'll have to deal with them, they can't keep following her like this" she couldn't train with them around.

"Ok, why don't you just burn them" Noona said, Klaus knew Noona was a malicious woman especially when punishing people. She was worse than him and his father, she just wore that calm grandmother mask till it stuck to her face.

"As much I would love to evil grandmother, I'll just give them a second warning" he didn't give warnings twice but he knew what those serpents were, they were evil and traitors.

"Second? you're so nice am proud of you or it's because you'll need them somewhere in the future"

"Exactly Noona" he circled the table and kissed her forehead then dissapeared to their room.

She was in the tub looking up, he couldn't tell what was happening in those grey orbs but anger was evident.

"Hey" she jerked and looked back at his voice.

"Hi" she answered nervously.

"I have to leave i'll be back before tomorrow"

"Tomorrow?" her expression turned solemn then she forced a smile, "Ok take care"

π‘‡π‘Žπ‘˜π‘’ π‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’, she cared. He smiled.

He went and stood beside the tub and touched her bare arm. She was hot against his cold touch. Then pulled her in with his hand behind her neck and kissed her a simple yet sweet kiss.

She leaned in further for more but he pulled away, he would kiss her after dealing with those beast. He would kiss her till she told him to stop and he wouldn't.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" She nodded in understanding. He dissapeared.

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π‘π‘œπ‘‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘™π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘‘.