
Page 53

"Hey little rodent" Beth's voice said from right beside her ear.

"Mmmh" she hummed.

"Wake up now you've slept long enough" Beth whispered in her ear and she immediately pushed herself back to move away from him.

"What happened?"

Beth chuckled inching away, "Alot of things happened dear rodent" stressing on the 'rodent' part.

"Stop calling me that" she sat upright finally opening her eyes. It was midday.

"You fainted yesterday but your knight in shining armor saved you from the probability of being a meal" she frowned.

"Yesterday?" the last thing she remembered was leaving the the House Of Prints.

"Yup since last night, you had some encounters in the evening then slept again till now" Bethany was holding the small book in her hand.

"What sort of encounters?" her stomach grumbled and Beth cocked her head to the side showing her the breakfast on the table.

"Remember the doppleganger thing" she nodded biting into the eggs, "You shifted yesterday evening"

She didn't know how to react, whether to be angry, happy, excited or sad. She couldn't remember anything from the previous evening. It was blur just little flashes of seeing Grey, nothing more or less.

"Who did I shift into?"

"Jurrian's dead wife" she scowled in disgust, and Grey's sister"

She paused shocked, "Grey's sister?"

"Yeah, he was pretty shocked too and we realized that you could shift from one person to another in a matter of seconds" she drank the tea in haste.

"What did I do or say when I was his sister?" she was so curious.

"You were crying saying that he forgot about you-his sister now, her name was Marrina" Bethany put on her coat.


"Lets go horse riding, do you know how to ride a horse?" she shook her head.

"I'll teach you it's not hard, let's go and put on something warm" Bethany was already out of the door so she hurried out.


"Which one do you like?" there were all kinds of horses in the castle. But only one piqued her interest.

"That one, the brown one" it reminded her of Grey's brown eyes. Brown turned out to be her favourite colour so far. Bethany couldn't hide her grin since she obviously wanted to tease Sarin due to her love interest but she couldn't since even Sarin had something to tease her with.

"The guys will be joining us later, they're hunting for a Marozak" with the help of Bethany she straddled the horse with ease, when it moved she almost lost her balance but she steadied herself.

She knew a fall from a horse was dangerous. She knew that when she was a nurse at Cunningham infirmary. That was when she was sixteen to eighteen when she eventually refused to learn about hunting.

"THE Marozak?" she asked her eyes wide as saucers.

"Yes THE Marozak" Bethany laughed at her expression.

"They want to tame it for war, you'll see" she didn't want to see. Those creatures scared the life out of her.

"Where's your sister by the way?" the last time she saw Ava was when she was looking for her 'assignment'.

A disgusted expression covered Beth's face. "She and her lover decided to have a holiday of their own for the time being before Aella returned"


"Yeah the one she was taking care of" The name felt more than familiar. She once heard it somewhere but she couldn't pin point the exact location.


"Let's go"


She clenched her eyes shut. When she said she didn't want to watch them tame a Marozak, she meant it. The creature kept spitting on the men yet they kept struggling. Bethany just laughed at them frustrating them by telling them how weak they were and how stupid they looked.

Bethany had offered to help using her magic but they rejected her saying they were men enough.

Men and their fragile egos.

"Hey" a voice said from behind her. She turned to meet with ponytail smiling down at her.


"How has it been?"

"Nice actually."

"That's good to hear" he said looking at his fellow men fly in the air as the creature pushed them away with it's horns.

"Why aren't you with them?" she asked curious. He was the only one not helping.

"Am not wasting my energy on something that can be done in less than fifteen minutes" Sarin smiled understanding him. They were wasting their energy.

"We have a bonfire tonight, you can join us if you want to you're very welcome" then he walked away. Why did he walk away? She didn't even reply.

"He doesn't want to be rejected that's why" she jumped and almost stumbled hot breath touched her ear.


She turned to look at him but he wasn't there. "How?"

"Am invincible" he said again, against her left ear. "Tell Bethany you're going for a walk" and she did so. Bethany too indulged in the boys didn't even heed alot of attention to Sarin and waved her off.

He appeared after they were some distance away from ponytail and his friends.

"Can you make me invincible too?" she was excited and curious. What more could he do?

"Nope" he smiled. He was in black attire which made him look like some knight of the darkness.

But he was good looking after all. Right from the beginning when he called her names she didn't understand back at Cunningham, he was still good looking. Very handsome and just her type. She mentally face palmed herself, she didn't have a type.

She did now and her type was the one with beautiful brown eyes.

"You done with your internal talks" he asked rather stated.

"No not yet" he chuckled. He removed his coat remaining with his shirt, he hang the coat on the tree then it went invisible. She was fascinated.

"Tell me what those internal talks are" he asked flirtatiously, folding the sleeves of the shirt upto his elbows. She was watching every movement like it was the next best thing in the world.

He was looking at her watching him.

"Maybe I was thinking of how brown is my favourite colour" she looked at him shyly. Of course he understood but he would play damn for his own satisfaction. He loved games and she looked like she wanted to play.

She wanted him to make a move on her, that's what she wanted. She 𝑤𝑎𝑠 attracted to him after all so where was the harm in it.


"Because my horse is brown and it's very beautiful" she said pointing at it, he followed her line of sight and laughed. She just couldn't say it, could she?

"What more were you thinking?"

"Maybe I was thinking of how I like a certain someone but he's too dumb to notice" her tone was playful and so was his.

"Maybe he already noticed" he looked at her then back at the huge field in front of them."But doesn't know what to do about it." her heart literally skipped a beat.

He grinned.

She didn't know what to say about that so she kept quiet hiding her blush with her black hair.

He came up to her behind her, pushing her hair to the side and kissed her shoulder. She tensed under his warm lips.

"What would you like me to do?" he asked his breath fanning her skin. She forgot how to breath in those few seconds.

"I wasn't to talking about you, you know" she lied. A very white clean lie.

"Who were you talking about little one?" his hands on her waist went up to the sides of her chest. Her breathing turned shallow.

"Pony tail" that was the first word that came up in her head.

He laughed his hands leaving her body, she mourned at the loss of his touch. "Really now? you don't even know his name Sarin"

Once her breathing was in control she came back to her senses.

What game was she trying to play with him, he looked like he could play the game much better than she could.