
Page 62

Klaus was in the bathroom when she opened the small diary that Noona interpreted. She had used her magic to translated the language to what she could understand.

It was a girls diary, a girl her age. She loved writing and reading books and she told about her life which was pretty not very interesting until she wrote about her love interest that's when her interested was piqued.

He stalked her when she went to visit her grandmother, she was supposed to be scared of man who stalked her but she wasn't, she was excited. Thrilled. She thought something was definitely wrong with her to be interested with a stalker.

Aella paused at some parts wondering if she would have liked to be stalked. No she wouldn't.

He took her out in the middle of the night took her to town and the fair the carnival, her favourite places.

The thrill of it made her fall for him more but he was a dangerous man. He was a general's son. And in their kingdom, General's weren't really loved because of how they treated the commoners.

A few empty pages

He took her out one day and they got intimate and it was very... detailed. She had to shut the book a couple of times.

"You look flushed" Klaus said from his side of the bed. He was standing by the window facing her, shirtless. She knew he actually never slept and when he did it was pretty rare.

"Have you read it?" she asked since the girl made sure that Aella had the most iconic imagination.

"I know everything that happened I don't need to read it, what's wrong?" he asked with a smile.

"Its too detailed" he laughed at her. "Stop laughing at me Klaus it's not funny, I want to know what happens but all she does is keep describing how nice she felt"

She pouted in annoyance.

"Do you feel hot?" she frowned, what did her heat have to do with anything.

"It is 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 hot, always"

"Not warm Aella, hot" his gaze darkened lowering to her bare neckline and with that she understood...hot.

She became self-aware of how she looked, her silver hair pulled up to a messy pony tail face flushed and the shortest night dress ever. Noona's doing, she could never put on such a thing on normal occasions.

"Are you?" now she was.

She didn't respond.

Smiling, he walked to the edge of the bed and took the book from her and read it flipping through the past few pages.

"You see," he started and put the book on his side bed side table then continued, "Nowadays you seem to forget that I'm a man and I have needs especially from an attractive woman as yourself"

Using his imaginatively good strength he pulled her to lay on the bed using her ankles, she whimpered not breaking eye contact.

He hovered over her body caging her lower body with his legs.

"You're getting bolder each day and I love that but-" his gaze lowered to her bossom, her perky breasts were firm and peaked. "You're getting to comfortable princess"

He smirked at then delved for her full pink lips. He kissed harder than he always did and she loved it. It wasn't soft and delicate it was rough and scathing.

His hand snaked it way around her neck possessively and she reveled in feeling of being under his mercies and maybe she wanted to be vulnerable and under his control. Heat pooled in her lower belly as desire took course between them.

His tongue caressed all corners of her sweet mouth. Her body heat was higher beyond the normal...now she was hot.

"Klaus" she whispered the minute he released her bottom lip from between his teeth. She took in air fast as a euphoria of emotions jumbled up her thoughts his eyes never leaving her parted lips.

"Mn, tell me Aella why do you keep tempting me?" it wasn't intentional she had just been oblivious.

"Am not tempting you Klaus?"

He looked at her with the heat of his gaze never leaving his eyes, "You are and I enjoyed very minute of it looking at your sleeping body with that short dress every single night" he admitted and she flushed biting back a smile.

He started kissing her neck. She tensed but closed her eyes when his hand landed on the side of her thigh and caresed slowly.

Her skin hummed in approval of his hot touch. Her hands went around his neck pulling him closer and arching her back against him.

"Klaus" that was the only name she could muster up the courage to say in her aroused state.

He peppered her skin down to her chest and above her breast with light fluttery kisses that sent butterflies to her stomach. She enjoyed that and she wanted more, so much more.

She cupped his face and made him look up, "You're not doing enough Klaus" he groaned and smiled rising showcasing his fine we'll toned chest. The covers of the bed were somewhere on the floor so it was just them.

"What would you like me to do, my queen" she blushed a thousand shades of pink.

"Just," she hesitated looking away but Klaus made her look back at him "more"

"I need to up my game" he seemed to be talking to her but more to himself. "I'll have to take these off and I'll-"

Bold. She didn't know where all the boldness came from but she was.

"I trust you Klaus so I don't really care what you do since I'm yours" He looked immediately taken aback by her words as he stared at her. Even 𝑠ℎ𝑒 was surprised.

"You're mine" he whispered but she nodded.

He recovered from the shock and kissed her lips whispering some incoherent words but she heard a 'you're amazing' in there.

Her heart fluttered.


"Aella look up" she opened her eyes looking around the room and her mouth fell in utter shock.

Flowers were blooming everywhere in the room, the ceiling, the walls, the floor and the windows too After adjusting her clothes Klaus walked off the bed to the window and she followed.

Flowers everywhere, blooming in the middle of the night. She couldn't take her eyes off the beauty of the flowers and of the man beside her. Especially the later.

She had just declared she was his and in no time would she ever take it back.


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