
Page 70

Her cheeks flamed. His gaze was unrelenting on hers. As if he wanted to see her reaction just as much as she watched his. She was embarrassed, here she was half naked in front him while he was clothed fully.

"Stop thinking and just touch yourself" he ordered. Bold. That's what she was as she guided her hand to her molten core. Slowly and tempting.

She paused embarrassed, all over again. "Is this right?"

"Do you think it's right?"

"This should only be done by a husband and wife" she complained. They hadn't done anything but he saw her body already, half of it though and she felt exposed.

Why was she being so insecure?

"Such a moralistic girl" his red eyes gleamed in amusement. He picked up half of her dress and slid it back up her forearms.

No! Disappointment crossed her face. Not to him but to herself.

She refused to meet his eyes, he couldn't see how dissapointed she was in ruining that intimate moment.

"What do you want huh? To get married so that you finally touch yourself, no, pleasure yourself?" he asked rhetorically.


"Do you wish to get married now because I can- for you" he whispered while he leaned in and zipped up her dress. She wrapped her hands around his shoulder and refused to let go. Hugging him.

"What do you really want Sarin?" he asked.

"I don't even know but I-" not a lie, "I like you very much" he nodded pulling away but she gasped when he held her up and dropped her to her feet.

"Take a shower, towels are in there" he held her hand and opened the bathroom and closed it after her.

What did she really do?

She stripped off the pretty dress and walked into the bath. It was hot, making her skin burn red. But she didn't feel it deep in her thoughts. Would he really want to touch her now that her 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑠 got in the way?

The towels were black, just like his hair, and neatly arranged in a shelf. For a man he was very neat.

Walking out, he was on the bed half naked. His torso bare for her to gawk at.

She cleared her throat, " What will I wear?"

"You can sleep naked" he teased. She blushed.

"I can't"

"Why not, I want you that way" her eyes widened in slight surprise. What!?

Her stomach flip flopped when he winked and dissapeared behind the bathroom doors. He still didn't leave any clothes for her to wear. She walked to the other closet door and yanked it open. It was empty. Not even a scrap of clothes but there were shoes and one shirt and trouser.

"What does he wear on regular days here?" she mumbled to herself.

"I moved everything to Dalotopia since it seems I'll be there for a very long time" he startled her. "You can put those on and I'll just sleep naked beside you"

"Wear the trouser and I'll wear the shirt, simple" she said simply. She couldn't take a naked Grey let alone a half naked one.

"As you wish my queen" again with the queen but she still flushed crimson.

"What's with the Queen?" she asked putting on the shirt on her dry body.

He just chuckled and dissapeared behind closed doors. The shirt obviously wasn't a perfect fit for her but it was long enough. She went and stayed under the covers. Hiding actually, because the shirt wasn't really covering her much.


Her body was warm on the bed. She was already asleep in those few seconds. Her scent still lingered in his nostrils even as she unevenly breathed.

He was leaning against the the door to his bathroom. Walking closer he squatted on the floor on her side of the bed.

Her hair was on her face covering her beautiful features. Her brows were furrowed signifying either she was having a nightmare or a good dream.

Her lips full and moist. He wanted to.. touch her, kiss her and explore every part of her body

but he didn't want to go beyond her boundaries. On the counter she was not very secure and sure of what she was agreeing to though she thought she was.

He pushed the stray strands of her hair behind her ear, she moaned. Her hand found his on her cheek and kept it there.

His eyes raked lower to her chest, he breasts were partially visible. Well, he had seen her but he would pay gold to see her again in the lingerie and touch her soft skin.

She was seeking warmth, yes, but she was grasping his hand too tight. He closed his eyes and accessed her mind. It was a nightmare which comprised of her running in a dark forest.

He knew the forest, wolves after her in her white nightdress. The one she wore back home before her parents died.

She was running, in her dreams, for over an hour. She had blood on her feet and hands, horror painted all over her face.

She ran till she fell inside the red lake and was drowning. In her dreams before, the wolves would be dead in the lake but now she was drowning in the Lake.

He held her hand tighter, she winced in pain then tapped into her happy thoughts and replaced the nightmare with it.

Her brows relaxed and her grip on his loosened. It was a memory of her father teaching her how to punch. She was smaller with black brown hair and wide curious eyes.

She was asking if she could punch her bullies at school and he ruffled her hair and said, 'Yes Sara but don't kill them or hurt them'

'But dad I should hurt them so that I don't get bullied again, right?'

He just laughed as they went to get lunch.

He opened his eyes to find hers open wide staring at his red ones.

"You can do that"

He nodded.

"Have you done that to me before?" she was asking if she ever 'spied' on her thoughts before.

He shook his head and said, "I have never actually done that before"

"So you saw my dreams?"

"Yeah, did you ever beat your bullies?" her eyes were squinted while looking at him due to the light of the lamp beside the bed.

He turned it off.

She smiled proudly, "I didn't that time but after some time I cornered them and beat them up, it was so satisfying"