
Page 72

Thankyou @π‘Žπ‘›π‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘’π‘‘123 π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ @πΊπ‘Žπ‘π‘–_π‘…π‘’π‘£π‘–π‘’π‘Ÿ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ @π‘šπ‘Žπ‘›π‘‘π‘–π‘’π‘₯.

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He leaned in and captured her lips.

Her heart hammered in her chest while she let out a whimper. All his previous kissed were always lazy, relaxed and soft but this...she thought.

This was not lazy or relaxed or soft, it was deep aggressive and rough. His grip on her rough and callousing. This was the part him she wanted to explore in the few days they would be here.

She wanted to experience what Shira was always talking about as a joke but later came to find out that she was sleeping with men.

Did he do it with Klaus was her question but all that sank to the back of her mind when his hand raked her smooth hot back. She shivered in response. She was frozen in place her hands gradually leaving from covering her chest.

She rose them to his neck holding him tighter against him. He groaned slipping his tongue inside her mouth and caressing all it's corners. She moaned.

The peaks of her breast were taut but that was at the back of her mind as she drowned in his arms. He pulled her closer, the heat between them flaming hot.

She melted into his hands and tongue. She would do anything to be kissed this way again. And again.

How he sat and she knelt between his long legs to lean closer to him happened, she had no idea. He pulled away looking at her. Her eyes were closed as she greedily took in air.

When she finally opened her eyes she gasped seeing them flaming red.

Like a hot flame was burning in those once green orbs. He looked stunning to her, that is. She stared for while then the wind finally made and entrance and she finally was aware of her nakedness, and his too but he was least bothered about his.

She couldn't read his eyes with the change but she could tell he noted the change. His hand snaked around her waist and pulled her out.

She gasped.

"I think this bath is over" he sais grinning like leaving the bathroom was the best thing that happened in his life.

He dropped her in front of the mirror. She really didn't want to look at herself naked but she had to check her hair finally and confirm his earlier words.

The hair close to her scalp was dark brown. From silver hair to brown. She wasn't really sure if this was a negative or positive thing but she hoped for the latter.

"I wonder how I'll look?" she asked herself almost forgetting the presence getting impatient behind her.

"Beautiful as always" he said his finger gliding down her spine. Their gazes locked on the mirror as her heart fluttered, she couldn't look away.

"I want you" he leaned closer and kissed her shoulder not breaking eye contact. She closed her eyes breathing in as his hand went around her waist and went higher to her taut breast.

"Klaus" she whispered turning to look at him. She couldn't do this while looking at herself, she was embarrassed.

"You're really beautifully exquisite in all ways but your body is just magnificent " He lifted her sitting her on dressing table.

"Thank you"

"I have to clear some mess though" before she could ask what, he bent and kissed her inner thigh closer to the slash marks.

She breathed watching him π‘π‘œπ‘€ for her. He licked the inside of her thigh on the marks. She was bleeding a little and he swiped it away with his tongue.

Her core was melting as his tongue went higher up her thigh. She wanted to call his name again and squirm further into the mirror but he just winnowed them to the bed.

Another bed in another room.

"Aella do you feel hot?" he asked hovering over her, this question was most probably his favourite.

"Yes" she rasped.

"How hot?"

"Very hot" he dived in for a kiss then to her jaw and neck. That sensitive spot behind the ear, her neck all the way to her breast. His cold hand grasped one if her boob squeezing it lightly.

She moaned in pleasure. His mouth latched on her other breast. Her eyes closed in pleasure he sucked on her boob sending a pleasurable tingle all the way to her curled toes.

Her breath hitched as he descended lower to her core. Some resistance fired inside her to stop him but his hands were quick to grasp both of hers and put them to the side tightly.


"Hmm," he looked up at her, "No need to worry Princess, just lie down and relax"

He grinned parting her legs with his knees, he let go of her hands and they immediately flew to cover her face.

He noted the little action and delved for her core. His tongue lapped up all her juices making her squirm under him. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess as her hands fell from her face to his hair.

Blood pulsed harder to her already stimulated nub in her folds. He sucked on it slowly. She shifted bringing herself closer to him. He chuckled while still noting down all of her movements.

Heat pooled in her lower stomach, something was tugging her insides. As if she was chasing something, this wasn't part of Shira's educational lessons. Shira had only taught them, she and Sharma since PenelopΓ©, Aella's step mother said that they needed to learn it for marriage purposes, she didn't want uneducated brides.

Shira had taken it too far when teaching them.

"Tell me princess what do you want?" he asked looking up. The flame was burning hot in his eyes and she couldn't take her eyes off him.