The Shocking News Part 2

Caleb got to his room and quickly started cleaning it up. He heard Brett getting in the shower and knew he needed to hurry up. The last thing he needed was for his brothers to come upstairs and find him not doing as he was told. He rushed out to the hallway to go take a shower in the guest bathroom. Caleb and Brett's rooms had a bathroom between them. The boys had moved into the house when they were 7 and it worked well back then. As they got older they would fight over bathroom time. Glen had enough so he assigned Caleb the guest room bathroom as his bathroom. Caleb rushed into the hallway and ran into an upset Thomas

"Why aren't you in the shower?" He questioned sternly.

"I I I" Caleb stuttered; he really didn't want to tell Thomas that Glen had scolded him that morning about how his room was a mess, Glen had warned him to clean his room after he got home from school, and right after he did any homework he might have. He had warned him of the consequences of not having it clean when he got home from work that evening. Caleb was happy to learn Glen had to work late so the teen figured he could leave the cleaning until he went to bed. Thomas was tired and stressed from the evening he wasn't in the mood to deal with Caleb

"Get in the shower now" he snapped.

Glen and Zach climbed the stairs together. Glen had told Zach he would take Caleb since he needed to check on his room and see if he had cleaned it like he was supposed to. Zach told him he didn't think he had because he and Brett were messing around all evening. Glen knocked once on Caleb's door; it was more of an announcement he was coming in not asking permission. He knocked and then walked in. He, unfortunately, saw Caleb scramble to his corner as he went into the room.

"Caleb why are you just now getting in the corner" Caleb didn't turn around when Glen questioned him, he didn't want the look of guilt to give him away. Glen knew what he was trying to do

"Turn around and look at me!"

Caleb jumped and turned around keeping his back to the corner. "Now answer my question" he raised his eyebrow at Caleb. The 14-year-old had a pit in his stomach. It was never good to disobey Glen; it was even worse to lie to him.

"I just got out of the shower" Caleb gave the easy answer hoping Glen didn't further question him. Glen didn't have to, he stood there with his arms folded giving Caleb a stern look. After a minute of the stare down Caleb's resolve broke

"I was finishing cleaning my room" he admitted looking at the floor. Glen sighed he was glad Caleb didn't lie about it, but he still disobeyed him.

"Caleb we had decided to give each of you boys a spanking with just our hand because we knew you two didn't mean to disobey Zach you were just worried about what was going on and we do understand that. Even if you don't know what's going on, it doesn't give you permission to ignore what we tell you to do. We would explain things to you once we had talked. Do you understand why you should have listened to Zach and done as you were told?" Glen wanted to make sure Caleb knew they would never keep something that important from him, so he needed to understand regardless of the situation obeying his brothers came first

"Yes sir, I'm sorry we eavesdropped on your conversation" Caleb spoke softly. Glen nodded his acceptance of the apology

"Now we have a bigger problem. I told you this morning to clean your room before I got home from work. You were supposed to do it right after your homework. So, explain to me why you needed to finish cleaning up when you were supposed to be waiting in the corner for me?"

Caleb started wringing his hands a habit he did when he knew he was in big trouble. "I'm sorry" he whimpered, not answering Glen's question. The oldest Ripley was losing his patience with the twin.

"Young man, you will not dodge my question, answer me NOW! Or you will get another spanking tomorrow morning before school" Glen's voice boomed causing Caleb to jump again

"I thought since you were going to be late I had plenty of time to do it. Brett had wanted me to play a new video game with me that he borrowed from a friend" Glen shook his head

"Since you disobeyed not once today but twice you're not getting a hand spanking" Glen removed his belt as Caleb began actively crying

"Please Glen not the belt. I won't disobey you again please" he pleaded with his brother. Glen just sat on Caleb's bed with his belt in his hand. Glen snapped his fingers and pointed to a spot right next to his lap. Caleb knew there was no discussing it. He was getting the belt. He slowly walked to where his brother pointed. Glen took the towel off his waist and guided Caleb over his lap. Glen lifted the belt and brought it down hard on the teenager's bottom. Caleb howled in pain followed by a sob. Glen got into a rhythm of the left cheek, right cheek, left sit spot, and right sit spot. Glen had to hold Caleb tight because he had a tendency of squirming over his brother's lap.

Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack

"Ow ow aaahhh please no more" Caleb sobbed. Glen didn't lecture during spankings; he let the spanking do the talking.

Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack

"Daddy please STOP!!!" Caleb and Brett had started calling Glen daddy when they first started school because other kids talked about their daddies. It made sense he was the only father they knew. Glen let the boys call him whatever they wanted. As they got older they understood Glen's role more and called him by his name more with the exception of when they got spanked, were sick, or really wanted something.

"Last ones kiddo" that was the only thing Glen would tell the boys during a spanking when he was almost done.

Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack

Glen let Caleb sob over his lap and waited for him to realize the spanking stopped. "I'm really sorry" Caleb cried into Glen's leg. Glen helped him stand up then pulled the 14-year-old on his lap being mindful of his freshly spanking bottom.

"I know kiddo. I just need you to listen to me and Zach when we tell you to do something. No more disobeying okay?"

"Yes sir" Caleb sniffled as he nodded his head at the same time. Glen stood both of them up and pulled the covers down on Caleb's bed. He helped the teen into his bed. Glen kissed his tear-stained cheek

"I love you kiddo" he whispered; Caleb yawned as his crying subsided

"I love you too dad" he whispered back. Glen left his room and ran into Zach in the hallway.....