
As Min Joo's words fell upon him like a heavy downpour, Min Yoongi felt his world unraveling further. He had never anticipated the depth of pain and anger that was brewing inside her, directed towards his own family, his own dynasty. Her revelation that his actions had led to her losing her original mother was like a knife to his heart.

He attempted to move closer to her, to reach out to her, to offer some form of comfort, but she stood up with unsteady steps. He watched as she staggered, his heart aching at the sight of her weakened state. He was torn between his own turmoil and the urge to be there for her.

Min Joo's voice trembled, her feverish state making her words even more poignant. "You don't know," she began, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and bitterness. "You don't know what happened that day, the day my mother..." Her voice wavered, and she took a deep breath, as if steeling herself to revisit a painful memory.

His eyes remained fixed on her, his own emotions swirling like a storm inside him. He wanted to understand, to know the truth behind her pain, but he also feared what he might learn.

"Your mother hit her head," she continued, her words coming out in a rush, as if she couldn't hold them back any longer. "I remember her shrill voice, calling out for me. And her head, it was covered in blood." Her voice faltered, her breathing growing ragged.

As she recounted the events of that fateful day, Min Yoongi's heart clenched. The weight of her words hit him with a force he couldn't have predicted. Her last sentence stole his breath away, leaving him speechless and consumed by a mixture of sorrow, guilt, and a deep sense of empathy.

"She died while saving me from your mother," she said, her voice a mere whisper. The gravity of her words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. He felt a lump form in his throat, and his eyes welled up with unshed tears. The revelation that his own mother had caused her so much pain was a truth he hadn't been prepared to confront.

Min Yoongi took a step closer, his heart aching to ease her burden, to mend the rift between them, to apologize for all the pain caused by his family. He reached out a trembling hand, hesitating before gently placing it on her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry for everything you've been through because of us. I wish I could change the past, but all I can offer now is my understanding and my support."

Min Joo turned to look at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. He saw vulnerability and turmoil in her gaze, but also a glimmer of something else. A spark of connection, perhaps, an acknowledgment that they were both victims of circumstances beyond their control.

As the rain continued to fall around them, washing away the pain and anger, they stood there together, bound by a shared history of hurt, yearning for a future where understanding and forgiveness might be possible.

As Min Yoongi's apology hung in the air, Min Joo's response was unexpectedly sharp, laced with bitterness and mocking. "Sorry?" she scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Sorry doesn't change the past, doesn't bring back what's lost." Her eyes bore into his, a mixture of anger and pain evident in her gaze. "Sorry won't heal the wounds your family inflicted on mine."

He opened his mouth to respond, to find the right words that might somehow bridge the gap between them, but before he could utter a single syllable, Min Joo's face contorted in agony. Her voice caught in her throat, her mockery turning into a stifled gasp. Her body trembled as she clutched at her chest, her knees giving way beneath her.

In a heartbeat, Min Yoongi's arms were around her, catching her before she hit the ground. His heart raced with panic as he held her close, feeling her feverish skin against his own. He quickly assessed her condition, his concern deepening as he realized the severity of her fever. Her breathing was labored, her body shaking uncontrollably.

Without a second thought, he gently lifted her in his arms and rushed to the horses. His movements were swift and efficient, every fiber of his being focused on getting her the help she needed. As he mounted the horse, cradling her against his chest, he felt her shivering intensify. The rain had stopped, but her body was still caught in its icy grip.

The sky was clearing overhead, the clouds dispersing to reveal the stars above, but the weight of their shared pain was unrelenting. Min Yoongi's grip on Min Joo's waist tightened as he urged the horse into a swift gallop. He could feel her trembling against him, her breathing growing shallower by the second. He knew time was of the essence.

The journey back to their dynasty was a blur of urgency and worry. Every jolt of the horse's hooves seemed to resonate with the rhythm of his pounding heart. His thoughts were consumed by the fragile figure in his arms, her shivers, her coughs, her uneven breaths.

As he rode, he couldn't help but glance down at her occasionally, his heart aching at the sight. Her face was pale, her brow damp with sweat. Her lips moved, forming words that were barely audible over the rushing wind.

"Min... gwan," she stuttered weakly, her voice barely more than a whisper.

His eyes filled with unshed tears as he listened to her feeble words. He wanted to offer her comfort, to reassure her that they were on their way to get help, but the lump in his throat rendered him speechless. Instead, he tightened his hold on her and pressed his lips to her damp forehead, a silent promise that he would do whatever it took to save her.

As the night carried on, the darkness around them seemed to mirror the pain in their hearts. The path ahead was uncertain, but in that moment, all that mattered was Min Joo's survival, her strength, and the bond that was forming between two wounded souls.

The journey had taken its toll on both of them, the weariness of the road causing even the horses to falter. As the horse stumbled, Min Yoongi decided it was time for a brief respite. He carefully dismounted, his movements precise and calculated. Gently, he helped Min Joo down from the horse, her weight against him a reminder of her fragile state. He led her to a nearby hut, a small shelter on the edge of their dynasty, and eased her onto a makeshift bed inside.

He took a moment to observe her as she lay there, her eyes closed, her breaths shallow. Despite her weakened state, there was a resilience in her spirit that he couldn't help but admire. The events of the night had brought them closer, in a way neither of them could have anticipated.

Min Yoongi turned his attention to preparing some soup, a simple concoction to provide her with much-needed sustenance. With careful movements, he heated the broth and transferred it into a small pouch. Kneeling beside her, he gently lifted her head and supported it against his arm. He brought the pouch to her lips, coaxing her to drink. Her initial resistance was met with a soft, patient insistence.

"Drink," he urged, his voice a soothing murmur. "You need to regain your strength."

Her eyes fluttered open, the feverish haze in her gaze meeting his determined stare. She weakly pushed at the pouch, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Let me go. I can eat on my own."

He met her gaze, his eyes unwavering as he responded, "Eat now, argue with me later."

There was a certain intensity in his gaze, a mix of concern and resolve. Her breath hitched as their eyes held, a silent conversation passing between them. Slowly, she relented, allowing him to feed her the soup. The warmth of the liquid was soothing, and she couldn't deny that she needed the sustenance.

As she ate, her strength gradually returning, she felt a sense of vulnerability. She caught herself staring at him, his features illuminated by the soft glow of the lantern inside the hut. The silent understanding between them was unspoken but palpable.

Suddenly, she reached a limit and pushed his hand away. Her eyes locked onto his, her expression a mixture of frustration and exhaustion. "I can't stay weak forever," she said, her voice trembling with both irritation and something deeper. "I can walk."

His grip on her wrist tightened, holding her in place. His gaze was steady, his tone firm. "Not yet. You're too weak."

Her irritation flared, her resolve battling against her weakened state. "I won't be a burden."

His eyes bore into hers, a mixture of frustration and earnestness in his gaze. "You're not a burden. You're injured, and you need to recover."

Her lips parted, words poised on the tip of her tongue, but they remained unspoken. She couldn't deny the concern in his eyes, the underlying care that contradicted his usual facade. She closed her eyes briefly, a sigh escaping her lips. "Fine, I'll rest. But just until we reach the dynasty."

His grip on her wrist eased, and he nodded in acknowledgment. "Rest. I'll make sure we reach there safely."

As she settled back into the makeshift bed, her gaze lingered on him. There was a vulnerability in her expression that she couldn't hide. "Why are you doing this?" she asked softly.

He hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice quiet but sincere. "Because I want to make things right."

Her eyes held his, the unspoken understanding between them more profound than words could convey. She allowed herself to close her eyes, the sound of rain outside the hut a soothing backdrop. As sleep slowly claimed her, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of trust, a spark of hope in the midst of the turmoil that had defined their journey.