Chapter 6: The Light after the Storm

Third person's pov 

After cleaning their unit. Dara secured the Eli is safe before leaving for her night shift.


She came to the club early.

"Oh my, why the long face? Dara?" said Ms. A.

Dara was sitting in the bar counter seats and didn't notice the arrival of Ms. A. She also didn't flinch or anything when she sat next to her. 

"Hey?" Ms. A call again. 

This time, she successfully got her attention. 

"Oh, Ms. A! Hello," said Dara, surprisingly.

"How deep were you thinking and you didn't notice me?" She asked. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you," Dara's apology. 

"It's ok. Don't mind it. Nevertheless, why are you sitting here alone? Is there a problem?" Ms. A concernly asked.

Dara hesitated to look at her. She knows Ms. A for a long time now.

She knows, she can trust her. 

"Mr. Kim came to our house earlier and destroyed everything. He took all of our savings," Dara explained. 

Dara and Eli first encountered Mr. Kim when they arrived here, thinking he could be helped. They are unaware that he was a loan shark who charged higher interest rates, which has caused them to remain in debt for many years.

They soon find Ms. A who was just a customer at the club and helped them. 

"Kim again? That behavior of his! He has no heart." Ms. A angerly commented. "This won't gonna happen if only I met you both first-" she didn't finish her sentence when Dara interrupted her. 

"No, don't say that. We're already lucky that you helped us before," Dara genuinely replied. 

"You're so kind," Ms. A look and adores her. "Is there anything that I could help?" She offers. 

"I appreciate the offer, but I can't accept your offer anymore. You already help us a lot," Dara said, feeling shy.  

"It's ok. Don't think about it. You and Eli also helped me before, I'm just returning the favor," Ms. A answered, giving her extra money. 

Ms. A was drunk when they met him outside the bar. He still doesn't wear feminine clothes but still receives disrespect. Eli and Dara help him by calling the police and stay by his side till this day.

"But that's a long time ago. You already gave too much for us," Dara replied. She was in crisis today but still refuse to accept the offer. 

"This is the least I can do for you," she responded. 

"I'm lucky to have you. I will immediately pay it back once I get my salary from the restaurant I just worked at," Dara said, being grateful.

"Don't worry about it. Pay me after your problems are solved," Ms. A slightly tap Dara's shoulder. 

"Thank you so much," Dara replied. 

"Hayst, Don't be shy toward me," Ms. A answered. "Besides, it's normal to ask for help sometimes. You're not a superhero. Remember that," she added.  

Dara just nods in response and they both get back to work. 

The night was long, but the club manage to close in peace.

Dara arrived home peacefully and now sitting on her bed while staring into space. Eli was sleeping roughly, unlike her. She is still thinking of how she can earn money to pay their bills and Eli's tuition. 

What she got earlier is enough for Eli's tuition but how about their other expenses? 

While thinking, Dara couldn't handle the sleepiness anymore. Little by little, she fell asleep.

(Fast Forward)

The Sun arrives.

"Bebu? Wake up," 

"Bebu?" Eli gently said, trying to wake Dara up but it didn't work so she tried something a little bit crazy. 

"WAAHHHHHHHH!" She shouted like crazy. 

Successfully, it wakes up Dara. 

"Wh-what? Where's the enemy?" she immediately stood up, positioning her both hands in front like boxers, ready to fight. She didn't think about anything or even her problem because of shock.  

"Hahahaha, what's with that?" Eli asked while laughing out loud, talking about her weird position. 

"What!?" Dara asked, confusedly.

Eli gradually stops laughing and smiles. 

"Rise and shine. It's 7 o'clock in the morning," she cheerfully said. 

Eli doesn't usually wake up Dara because she can wake up early in the morning for breakfast but this time. Dara was so tired thinking about all of the staff and didn't notice the time. 

"Ow, thank you," Dara replied and got out of the bed. "And stop using this way to wake me up someday. It's weird," she added.

"But why? I enjoy it,"Eli replied, giggling. 

Dara starts to clean her room and prepare for her shift this morning while Eli is on the other side. Preparing sandwiches for them to eat outside. 

Even though Eli lighten up Dara's morning, she's still thinking about her problem the entire time. 

They don't have much time since Eli has a morning class at 8 and Dara has work. 

Dara was done and ready to leave when Eli tossed a sandwich to her. She was waiting for her so they could go out together.

"Eat it," she simply commanded.

"Thanks," Dara replied and they both walked outside. 

(Fast Forward)

Dara arrived at the restaurant a minute before the call time. She was absent-minded for her entire shift to the point that some of her co-workers noticed it. 

"Dara?" Uriah called Dara who's washing the dishes, but she didn't respond. 

Selah noticed it and gently tapped her shoulder. 

This time, they drew her attention and talked. 

"Oh, hello? Do you need anything?" she asked while wiping her hands.

"Not really. We just wanted to invite you for lunch. It's almost lunchtime," Uriah said. 

"It is?" Dara said as she checked the clock time. "Sure," she answered.

They went to the back for the staff, but Dara seems to be preoccupied again that she forgot to bring her own meal.

She immediately walked back and grabbed some. When she returns, Uriah and Selah are both looking at her, weirdly. 

"What's going on?" Uriah asked when Dara returned holding her plate full of food. 

"You look preoccupied today," Selah added. 

"Sorry, I'm just thinking about something," Dara started.

"Say it, maybe we can help you?" Selah asked, unsure. 

"Could you lend me some money?" Dara bravely asked but half joking in her tone. She thought it's scary to think because they only met yesterday, but look at her borrowing some money already.

"If money is your problem," Uriah suddenly stopped, which made Dara think it was good news, but it turns out. "We also don't have that," he added.

Dara pouted at her disappointment but expected it. On the other side, Selah hit Uriah's back-head for making that joke. 

"Ouch!" he complains. 

"Do you think you're funny?" she asked, looking at Uriah, who was rubbing his shoulder.

"I just want to make her laugh," Uriah said, defending himself. 

"Hehe! Funny," Selah sarcastically said. Uriah didn't respond because the answer was obvious. It didn't make anyone laugh.

"Thank you, I appreciate the thought. I'm thinking where I should get money to pay our bills and for Eli's tuition," Dara stated. 

"Who's Eli?" Uriah curiously asked. 

"She's my sister. Not by blood but she's the only one I have that I can call family," she answered. 

Uriah and Selah both look at each other, feeling sad for Dara but they can't do anything because they also have problems about money. 

Dara sadly digs her food, thinking of another way. 'Should I find another job again?' she thought to herself. 

While thinking, Dara thought of something but was a little nervous to ask. She gathered courage and spoke again. 

"Do you think I could make an advance to P'Boss today?" she already thought of the possible answer but still proceeds and tries to ask. 

"No, he is kind, but in terms of salary, we don't do that here," Uriah answered while digging into his food.

After she heard the obvious answer, Dara remained silent and thought again. 

Meanwhile, Uriah and Selah look at each other again, worriedly. They are concerned for their friend. 

Selah slightly signals Uriah to do something.

"What can I do?" Uriah murmured, not letting Dara to notice them. 

"Anything," Selah insisted, pushing him to think.

After a minute, Uriah came up with something good. 

"If money is your problem," he started, 

"Not again!" Selah immediately opposes him.

"No, I'm serious this time, promise," he stated.

Dara gave Uriah a sharp look, waiting for him to speak nonsense again. 

"The thing is, if money is your problem. I can't help you with that but the agency can," he said, which made Dara's eyes questioned. 

"Which agency?" Selah asked. 

"What do you mean?" Dara asked too. 

"Remember the two recruiters yesterday?" Uriah asked. Dara nood while Selah is still puzzled. He continued speaking. "Why not try to apply to them? I still have their card," he put his hand in his pocket and handed a card with a contact number.

"I keep it just in case you change your mind," Uriah added. 

"Hmm, do you think I can make it?" Dara still hesitated, but she needed money so she wanted to try anything possible. 

"Wait! Wait! What's going on?" Selah interferes with their conversation because she doesn't understand a thing. 

"Well, remember what I told you last night about me being interested in applying as an idol and you said that I'm not qualified?" Uriah asked. 

"What about it?" Selah asked back. 

"There's some recruiter yesterday that came to us, asking if we are interested to be one," he explained. 

"Oh, I see," She just nodded after getting the context. "Well, if that's the case. I'm sure you (talking about Dara) can make it. With the beauty of yours, I'm 100 percent sure they won't have a second thought of letting you go," Selah complimented her. 

"But I don't have any talent. Is that ok?" Dara asked again, doubting herself.

"Girl! You have the charm that can attract thousands of people," Uriah commented. "If I'm not gay, I could fall in love with you," he added. 

"Ehhh?" Selah sidecommented, starting a fight. 

"Guys, don't flatter me too much but thank you. I appreciate your compliment," Dara responded with a smile on her lips. 

"I don't give empty praises, you're beautiful," Selah said, assuring that Dara accepted their praises.

"Yeah, yeah," Dara said with a smile.

"So you're fine now. I'm going to audition this afternoon, want to go with me?" Uriah proposal.

Dara was still feeling nervous, but she thought about Eli, so she soon agreed. "Fine," she said

"Yes, it's finally settled. Don't attempt to leave me alone, ok?" Uriah asks for assurance. 

"Yah," Dara simply said, and they continued to eat their meal. 


Author's Note

Hello, don't know if I have a reader but I will still upload until I gain one. Thank you in advance. Hope we can see the end together.

•Grasyang Manunulat.