Chapter 19: Lucky to have you

Third Person's POV

After the incident with Dian, Dara decided to head home early. She quickly gathered her belongings and left the club. Despite everyone's reluctance to let Dara go home alone, they were all too busy to accompany her.

As she stepped out of the club, the streets were nearly deserted. Everyone seemed to be caught up in the festivities inside, while others were sound asleep in their comfy homes.

With limited public transportation available, Dara had no choice but to walk back to her house. Staying on the positive side, she thought maybe it's better to walk, both to avoid feeling lonely and to give herself time to think. Besides, walking would also ensure that she didn't arrive home too early, sparing Eli from worrying about her.

As she made her way through the quiet streets, Dara's mind raced with thoughts and emotions. She couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment and regret for the events that transpired earlier. Yet, she also felt a glimmer of hope, knowing that this setback could be an opportunity for reflection and growth.

While walking, she passed by a small church. The door is open with a few people sleeping nearby. She didn't attempt to enter, fearing she might say something to the All Might that she wasn't ready to confront. She was afraid of questioning the Him, as she believed that everything happens for a reason.

"Mom. Dad. Where are you now? I don't know if I should ask for your guidance up there because I don't know if you're already there," Dara uttered sadly as she gazed up at the sky.

"But wherever you are now, I hope you're okay because I'm okay here," she paused briefly, looking at the keychain hanging from her phone. "Despite the challenges in my life, I'm happy to keep fighting," she added.

The only things left from her parents were a small bird figurine keychain and a tiny avocado keychain, which was a gift from Eli. These simple mementos held significant meaning for Dara, serving as reminders of her family and the love she held dear. Each time she looked at them, a flood of memories washed over her, providing comfort and strength during difficult times. Despite the challenges she faced, Dara found solace in the cherished tokens that connected her to her past and her present.

With Eli by her side, Dara felt a sense of reassurance, believing that with her, she could overcome any challenge that came her way.

With determination fueling her steps, Dara walked confidently forward, her mind focused on reaching her destination safely.

After over an hour of walking, Dara finally arrived at their house. She quietly opened the door, not wanting to disturb Eli, who she assumed was already sleeping.

Unbeknownst to her, Eli was still awake, studying. Upon hearing noise, he quickly grabbed a broom, ready to defend herself at a moment's notice.

Just as Dara opened the door, Eli swung the broom, hitting her on the head as she entered.

"Ouch! Eli! Eli, it's me," Dara exclaimed, trying to shield herself from the blows.

Eli paused in her swing and looked at who she was hitting.

She was surprised to realize it was Dara.

"Oh, sorry Bebu. I thought there was a thief!" she explained, lowering the broom.

"A thief with a key?" Dara replied sarcastically, causing Eli to reconsider her actions.

"You have a point," she conceded.

"Oh dear," Dara muttered.

Eli quickly helped her sit on the sofa.

"Are you hurt?" Eli asked with concern, feeling guilty for what she had done.

"Super," Dara replied playfully, observing Eli's reaction.

"I'm sorry," she said remorsefully.

"Pfft," Dara scoffed. "It was just a joke. I'm completely fine," she added.

"Dara! I was really scared. I thought there was a thief trying to break in," she explained again.

"But why are you still awake? What time is it?" Dara asked, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"I'm working on my assignment for next week," Eli replied, revealing the reason for her late-night study session.

"Oh, it's for next week, why aren't you asleep yet?" Dara asked again.

"I'm not sleepy yet, so I thought I might as well do it now," Eli replied.

"You're really hardworking," Dara complimented.

"Of course, I take after you," Eli replied with a laugh.

"Of course," Dara replied, laughing along.

"Oh, by the way, why are you here so early? Your work hasn't finished yet, right?" Eli asked, curiously.

"I have both good news and bad news for you. Which one do you want to hear first?" Dara asked.

"Why all the suspense? Haha," Eli remarked.

"Just choose first," Dara replied.

"Okay, let's hear the bad news first," Eli replied, feeling anxious as she waited for Dara to speak.

"Hmm," Dara hesitated. She didn't know how to break the news to Eli that she had been fired from her job at the club. She didn't want to lie to her either. "I got fired from my job at the club," she admitted.

"WHAT?" Eli exclaimed in shock.

"Shh, keep your voice down. You might wake the neighbors," Dara scolded Eli. "Yes, I got fired. There was a guest who didn't like me. He insisted on having me fired," she added.

Dara could see the concern and surprise in Eli's eyes as she processed the news. She wished she could have delivered the news differently, but she knew honesty was important in their relationship.

"What? Who is he? I'll go confront him," she said confidently, ready to storm out of the room, but Dara stopped her.

"No, don't. It's partly my fault too. I brought seafood earlier and we passed by their table. I didn't know she was allergic to seafood," Dara explained.

Eli's heart softened. She felt compassion for Dara's situation.

"Bebu," Eli said, pulling Dara into a tight hug to comfort her. They stayed embraced for a few minutes before finally letting go.

"What did Ms. A say? Did she scold you?" she asked again.

"No, she actually defended me. Plus, they couldn't do anything because I accidentally bumped into the mayor's daughter," Dara replied.

"Ah, that's good. I'll go see her tomorrow to thank her," Eli said, gently rubbing Dara's back.

"Thank you," Dara replied.

"Now, what's the good news?" Eli asked eagerly.

Dara thought it was the right moment to tell Eli the news.

"Well, the good news," she started nervously. "The other day, a recruiter visited the restaurant," she began. Before Dara could reveal the actual good news, Eli reacted immediately.

"Oh, Bebu! Stay away from those recruiters. They're scammers. They'll just ask for money and then disappear," Eli cautioned, jumping to conclusions.

"Haha, they're not scammers," Dara replied, amused by Eli's assumption.

"If they're not scammers, then what are they?" Eli asked, confused.

"I haven't finished speaking yet. Some recruiters came to the restaurant," Dara paused slightly to gauge Eli's reaction.

"Go on," Eli said, patiently waiting.

"And they wanted to ask me for an audition for a movie they're making. Along with one of my co-workers, we went to the audition last week, and just now the results came out and," Dara teased.

"And? Don't leave me hanging! I'm nervous!" Eli exclaimed.

"And we got in," Dara looked directly at Eli, curious about his reaction.

Dara became nervous when Eli didn't react.

"Eli?" Dara called softly, thinking she might be angry because she kept it from her.

Dara's heart raced as she waited for Eli's response, unsure of how she would react to her news.

"Eh?" Eli's sudden question caught her off guard. She was still processing what she had just heard until a wide smile spread across her lips.

"You're going to be an actress?" Eli confirmed.

"It seems like it," Dara replied uncertainty.

"Oh my gosh! My best friend! You're going to be an actress!" Eli exclaimed happily.

Dara felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

"Why?" Eli asked, noticing the relief in her demeanor.

"I thought you'd be mad at me for keeping this from you. But promise, I didn't plan to keep it from you for so long. I was just waiting for the right time to tell you," Dara explained.

Dara felt relieved that Eli was not upset with her, and she was glad to have finally shared her news with her.

"Hmm, I'm kinda sulking because I was the last to know," Eli jokes.

"Sorry," Dara replied, chuckling.

"But it's okay, as long as you tell me everything that happened to you about this. Did you see many celebrities? What company are you joining? Are there many handsome guys?" Eli asked a series of questions excitedly, eager to hear about her sharp friend's new milestones.

Dara couldn't help but smile at Eli's response. She felt blessed to have such a kind-hearted friend in Eli.

"Take it easy. One question at a time. I'm not that fast," Dara teased, laughing.

"Okay, did you see many celebrities?" Eli asked eagerly, unable to contain her excitement.

On that dark night, there was one room with its light still on. In that room, Dara enthusiastically recounted her experience to Eli, from how nervous she was when she arrived to the moment she received the email saying she got the female lead role.

Dara felt grateful to have Eli in her life because without her, she might have given up on life a long time ago. She appreciated having someone she could share her dreams and achievements with, someone who always believed in her and supported her every step of the way. As they sat in the softly lit room, Dara felt a sense of warmth and reassurance knowing that Eli was there for her, cheering her on even in her darkest moments.

~To be Continued ~