Chapter 3 : Elite

Bert got Quinn here for only one purpose, to suck his blood and make himself an elite vampire. As for meritorious service, Bert used it to fool John and Jenny!

What is more important than strength?

It's just that this charred corpse is hard to say. Bert hesitated for a moment, but he endured his disgust and showed his fangs, and put it on Quinn's neck!

"I will never eat burnt food again in my life!"

Bert endured the discomfort and began to suck blood, just take medicine, that kind of super bitter and super disgusting medicine!

A vampire's blood is cold, and so is Quinn's blood, but for some reason, after drinking his blood, Wang Bert felt warm and comfortable all over his body, and this feeling made him involuntarily increase the strength of the absorption.!

With the absorption of Bert, Quinn's body gradually became shriveled. The crisis of death made Quinn wake up from the coma. He struggled hard to get rid of Bert but was held down firmly by Bert. He could only keep roaring, but the sound became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

Bert raised his head and yelled with his big mouth full of blood. He felt that he was full of strength, and he could kill even a few tigers!

The feeling of being stronger is really beautiful!

At this moment, along with the sound of heavy footsteps, a figure walked in. He looked at Quinn, who was shriveled on the ground, and said, "I didn't expect Quinn to die by your hands!"

Bert froze, he turned his head slowly and saw Blade looking at him expressionlessly.

"Wait, didn't I just be a little arrogant? Why did Blade come to me to slap me in the face in a blink of an eye?"

Bert secretly complained, but he was not very afraid. He first stabbed the flying knife into Quinn's heart, annihilating him into ashes, and then stood up!

Then, Bert wiped the blood from his mouth and said to Blade: "Then you should thank me, I helped you get rid of the enemy!"

Blade pulled out the sword behind him and said, "No problem, I'll help you free now!"

Bert complained: "Is that how you thank people?"

Blade said coldly: "Being a vampire is very miserable, and helping you free yourself, naturally thank you!"

"What you said makes sense."

Bert was speechless. If I remember correctly, in the movie, Blade used this reason to kill his mother who also turned into a vampire.

Bert said: "Wait first, you killed me because I was a vampire, right? Then why don't you kill yourself, you are also a vampire?"

Blade said: "I am human!"

Bert said, "You mean that your body is a vampire's body, but your heart is a human's heart? If you say that, I am also a human, and you shouldn't kill me!"

Blade said: "You are not!"

"Why am I not? After I became a vampire, I never sucked the blood of a living person, nor did I ever think about it. Compared to me, you seem to have sucked the blood of a living person?"

Bert sneered: "Blade, justice seems to be on my side!"

Blade was silent. Before he met Whistler, he did suck the blood of a living person. He said, "If you don't smoke now, you will in the future!"

"According to what you said, wouldn't it be possible to convict him by catching anyone on the street? After all, although he is not guilty now, he may not be convicted in the future!"

Bert said disdainfully: "You should know that there is a principle of presumption of innocence in the law, and it is appropriate to put it here!"

Blade was silent again, hesitating for a moment, he said: "If you don't suck the blood of living people, then I can let you go, but only if you accept my supervision!"

"It seems that Blade warrior is not as cold as the legend!"

Bert smiled. He put his hand in the pocket of his jacket and asked, "Can I ask you two questions?"

Blade replied coolly: "What's the problem?"

Bert asked, "How did you find it? I shouldn't have any flaws!"

Blade replied: "You are very cautious, But I did tricks on Quinn!"

"I see."

Bert understood, and he asked again: "Second question, you still wear sunglasses at night? Are the sunglasses a part of your body?"


Blade's face was full of question marks. At this moment, Bert took out two homemade smoke bombs and threw them on the ground. The smoke quickly filled the air, and the surrounding area was white!

Blade immediately rushed into the smoke, but couldn't find Bert at all, and after a little delay, the smoke became thicker!

After a while, Bert's voice came from the window: "Blade, Deacon Frost is engaged in a big conspiracy, I want to infiltrate them and investigate, we will meet again one day."

"Don't suck living blood, otherwise, I won't let you go! Remember, Blade is staring at you!"

Blade put the knife back into its sheath, and said coolly, Bert laughed and didn't answer, turned over and jumped off the second floor, then got into John's car, and quickly left there!

"This Blade is quite interesting, but then again, he didn't go to the hospital, didn't meet the heroine?"

Bert blinked, and then put this matter behind him, it's none of his business!

Blade was upstairs looking at the leaving car, he couldn't help touching his sunglasses, wearing sunglasses at night seems a bit silly.

Then Blade shook his head, What are you afraid of? Coolness is the most important thing!


"Blade rushes into the bar, Quinn is missing?"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Deacon Frost, who was wearing a shirt but unbuttoned, was furious, and he shouted: "Hurry up and send someone to look for him, and make sure to get Quinn back, and also, inform those humans, Let them keep an eye on the hospital to see if any strange bodies come in, Quinn doesn't die so easily."

"Yes, Mr. Deacon!"

When the vampires heard the order, they immediately left the building as fast as possible to run errands. Deacon walked back and forth angrily. Quinn was his general. Without him, many things would be difficult to do.

At this moment, a female vampire with blond hair and white clothes said: "Deacon, let's set a trap and get rid of Blade. During this time, he has killed a lot of us!"

This female vampire is called Mercury. Although she is a pure-blood vampire, she follows Deacon and works for him!

Deacon's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said, "Daywalker can't die, I have deciphered the Holy Code of Blood Race, I need him and Twelve Pure-Blood Elders!"

Mercury's eyes lit up, and she asked excitedly, "Deacon, are you finally going to take action against those timid and immortal old guys?"

"It's time for them to dedicate themselves to the great cause of the Vampire race!"

Deacon said: "I have a solution for Blade. As long as I need him, it's easy to catch him. Mercury, you can recruit some good players. We need a lot of manpower!"

"it is good!"

Mercury agreed without hesitation, and fighting with pure blood naturally requires a lot of manpower!

This world will eventually belong to their Vampire race, and only Deacon Frost can lead them to victory. Mercury believes this, and so do other vampires!

Deacon Frost, the vampire's hope!


In the training ground, Wang Bert held a wooden stick and attacked Frank as fast as lightning. Even Frank was constantly defended by his high-speed attack!

However, Bert couldn't control his speed, Frank seized an opportunity and punched him in the cheek, staggering him two steps, and almost fell!

Bert said gloomily: "Instructor, you agreed not to slap my face!"

"What's wrong with your speed? Why is it so much faster all of a sudden?"

Frank was very puzzled. If it weren't for the fact that the opponent's fighting ability was too poor and he couldn't control the speed, it would not be easy for him to take down the opponent!

It's just that it's not easy, it's not that you can't win. If you compete, the opponent can take advantage, but in the battle of life and death, the opponent must die!

"Eat something and evolve!"

Bert said: "Instructor, let's come again, I want to master my new powers in a short time!"

"Okay! You attack!"

Although Frank knew that the other party had some problems, he didn't ask any more questions. He smashed his fists and greeted Wang Bert!

Because of Bert's improvement in physique, not only Bert himself was exhausted, but Frank was out of breath. He sat on the ground and took off his gloves while saying, "I think I need to pay more!"

"Then add it!"

Bert laughed, if his plan is successful, money is not a problem at all, if it fails, then there is no chance of using money in the future!

Frank said with a smile: "Just joking, as much as I said before, it is as much!"

"If I don't show up for a long time and the phone can't get through, you remember to visit my house, I have something for you!"

Bert thought of something, and said, he was going to leave something in the 'house' to prevent Frank from turning into a punisher.

Frank glanced at Bert and reminded him: "If you have money, you can ask some special people to do things for you. In this country, there are very few things that money can't do!"

Speaking of this, Frank sighed secretly in his heart. Even a hero in the military like him still takes private jobs for money. To be honest, he is a little ashamed.

"What I want to do, other people can't get it together!"

Bert shook his head, what did he think of, and asked Frank: "Instructor, if I want to get some special weapons, who should I turn to?"

Frank frowned and asked, "What kind of special weapon?"

Bert said: "For example, UV grenades, UV spotlights on guns, etc.!"

"Ultraviolet? Are you trying to kill a vampire?"

Frank complained: "These things are completely useless, right?"

"Maybe it's killing vampires!"

Bert laughed again, and he said, "Instructor, do you have such a way?"

"You need to develop both of these things, it will take a little time,"

Frank said, "I know people in the back office, so I can ask you if anyone is doing personal work!"

"Why are so many people in the military doing private work? This America, I'm afraid it's going to die!"

Bert complained secretly, and he said, "Then you can ask me, money is not a problem! By the way, I also need UV-proof clothes, but they can't hinder my movement, and it has to look like tights!"

Frank couldn't help but said, "Although I shouldn't ask, I'm really curious, what exactly are you trying to do?"

Bert said very honestly: "I'm going to fight vampires to save the world!"

"Watch fewer popcorn movies, it affects the brain!"

Frank stood up and said, "Have you rested yet? Go to practice guns after resting. There won't be much progress in melee combat in a short time, but as long as you shoot enough bullets, you will improve quickly!"

"Okay, let's practice shooting!"

Bert also stood up. In terms of shooting, he was still a little confident. After becoming an elite vampire, his eyesight and reaction ability improved a lot!


In the warehouse of a bar, the owner dressed in a cowboy looked at Bert and asked, "Bert Wang? I remember you were John's ATM, where's John?"

"He took me to visit the blood banquet a few days ago, and then Blade came!"

Bert replied with a blank face, some time ago, he met a lot of vampires with John, which is why he kept John and Jenny alive for so long.

"It's really unfortunate, may there be no blades in heaven!"

The cowboy boss said something insincere, and then asked: "You also want to join the team of Boss Deacon? We don't accept waste, we want good players. Next time, there is a big move!"

Bert glanced at the cowboy boss, and suddenly pulled out Glock from his waist and fired a shot at the decorative wolf head in the warehouse.

The cowboy boss was taken aback and stared at Bert in dissatisfaction, this young man is just unreliable, can't you tell me when you show your marksmanship? I don't know if the elderly can't be scared. Believe it or not, I lie down and ask you to pay for mental damage.

But then again, this kid's gun is very fast, he can be called a fast shooter!

Bert shrugged, put away the gun like a cowboy, and said, "I thought you were a cowboy!"

"Fifty years ago, not now!"

The cowboy boss said angrily, "One thousand dollars for the wolf's head, no problem, right?"

"On the old beauty's side, money is the most important thing!"

Bert secretly complained, and he asked, "Can I join Boss Deacon's team?"

"You can lose money."

The cowboy boss said, what did he think of, and asked inexplicably, "Why are you still being bullied by John and Jenny with such good marksmanship?"

"Without them, I wouldn't be able to integrate into the vampire society," Wang said.

"It's smart."

The cowboy boss said: "Okay, stay in the bar first, and when I recruit a few more people, I will take you to see Miss Mercury!"

Bert was puzzled: "Miss Mercury? Isn't it the Boss Deacon?"

The cowboy boss said admiringly, "Miss Mercury is in charge of recruiting people. She is a pure-blood vampire! Only Boss Deacon can make pure-blood vampires work for him!"

"That's why we have to follow him!"

Bert laughed, and just like that, he blended into Deacon Frost's team, and his current status was a glorious miscellaneous soldier under Miss Mercury!

"There is no problem with the miscellaneous soldiers. The key is to be able to infiltrate the altar of the ceremony. In other words, will Deacon's mutiny be as easy as in the movie?"