Chapter 8 : Peggy Carter

"Really, but if you want to join, you must agree to a few requests from me."

Bert said: "First, protect the interests of vampires. If a law-abiding vampire is killed, you must arrest the murderer, and you must help destroy the organizations that study vampires.

Second, the price of blood bags must be lowered. The original ones were too expensive, and many mixed-race vampires had to take the road of crime because they had no money to buy blood bags."

"There is no way to do this. There is only so much blood. To supply your vampires, our blood bank is a little short of blood!"

Senator Stern said that selling blood to vampires is big revenue for the government, and it is also a very useful dark revenue that does not require review by the two houses, and he does not want to lower it at all!

Bert smiled and said, "There is always a way, it must be lowered!"

Director Fury pondered for a while, and said to Bert: "I can consider the conditions you said, but the ratio of the two sides is too low, I think it is more appropriate to split between five and five!"

"Five to five is impossible!"

Seeing Chief Fury lion's big opening, Bert shook his head and said, "Director Fury, I just set the tone. If you have any ideas, you can talk to my president in detail!"

Director Fury asked, "President?"

"Yes, I plan to set up a blood god group, and the president hired with a high salary will handle various matters! She is now learning how many assets I have, and you can see her in a while!"

Bert smiled and said, "Director Fury, my president will surprise you!"

Director Fury smiled without saying a word, surprise me? Who do you think I am, I am the director of SHIELD, what have I not seen?

Bert continued: "In addition, the chief of the vampire clan police station, I would like to invite the vampire hunter Blade!"


Blade was a little startled, Bert nodded and said: "Yes, it's up to you, it's no different from your original job, it's all about killing vampires, the difference is that before everything is killed, now only those who break the law are killed!

Vampires aren't all bad, I'm sure you agree! "

Blade said coolly: "I didn't kill all of them, at least I didn't kill you!"

"That's true!"

Bert laughed, and Director Fury couldn't help but glance at Blade. You wanted to kill him at the time, so why didn't you do it?

Blade said to Bert: "After the establishment of the vampire clan police station, a lot of vampires will die! Countless vampires suck the blood of living people!"

"Let's forget about what happened in the past, don't worry about the future killings, no matter how many are killed."

Bert said cruelly, he didn't mind swallowing a little more blood at all!

Thinking of something, Bert took out a badge from his arms and threw it to Blade, saying, "Blade, this is for you!"

"Which clan's badge is this? A red-colored dragon? I haven't seen it before!"

Blade glanced at the red dragon on the badge, and asked inexplicably, Bert smiled: "This is my badge, the first piece in your hand, it has my power on it, seeing the badge is like seeing me, You can kill any vampire except me and report back!

Of course, a rigorous investigation is required afterward!"

Everyone looked at Bert in shock when they heard the words. He trusted Blade so much and gave him such great power.

Director Fury squinted slightly, the blood god's behavior is completely different from those rotten vampire elders, young, vigorous, and resolute!

Blade felt that the badge was a little heavy, and he asked, "You trust me so much?"

"Because you and I are the same!"

Bert smiled and said, "In addition to the vampire police station, I will also pay people to study the artificial blood that vampires can drink. Once successful, vampires can integrate into human society, and there is no need to hide like now!"

This sentence made the three of them stunned.

Immediately, the three of them shook their heads secretly. This idea is completely unrealistic. Vampires can't integrate into human society. The life forms of the two are too different.

There are a lot of problems with ethnic integration of different skin colors, let alone interracial integration!

This new patriarch is a bit naive, but the law-abiding vampires meet the requirements of human beings very well. Senator Stern and Director Fury exchanged glances and nodded secretly.

"Dream still has to be, what if it comes true?"

Bert saw the thoughts of the three and said with a smile: "Blade, what do you think? I think being the director can do more than you can do alone."

"Let me consider it!" Blade said

From the action of holding the badge, he can know that he is very moved!

"Think slowly, I'm not in a hurry!"Bert laughed

Chief Fury said: "The general framework is settled. I will send someone to discuss with you about the prisoner exchange and the vampire clan police station, Patriarch Bert, I hope what you just said is the truth!"

"At least it's more real than you!"

Bert said, Stern nodded with satisfaction. Under his mediation, everything went smoothly and harmoniously!

At this moment, the side door of the conference room opened, and a young and beautiful British beauty with a mature and graceful temperament walked in, followed by the pure-blooded vampire Mercury, holding a pile of documents with an unhappy face.

Seeing this British beauty, Director Fury was stunned for a moment, then stood up abruptly, and shouted in disbelief, "Ms. Carter!"

Although the other party has become younger, Fury would not make any mistakes. The reason is very simple. He grew up watching Ms. Carter's - and the US team's documentaries.

Stern was also shocked, but he was not surprised why Ms. Carter was here, but about how the other party had become so young. Being a vampire also has this benefit, why haven't I heard of it before?

If these two things got out, it's sure to be a sensation - whether it's Ms. Carter becoming a vampire, or Ms. Carter getting younger!

Peggy Carter greeted Director Fury with a smile: "Director Fury, we meet again!"

Fury slapped the table hard, glared at Bert with one eye, and said, "Vampire, you are so bold, you dare to turn Ms. Carter into a vampire, you want to die?"

Bert sneered: "Are you threatening me?"

Carter waved his hand and said, "I was not forced, he talked with me for three hours and successfully persuaded me that I would become the president of the Blood God Group and lead the vampire race and human beings to merge, and the reward he gave me was Eternal life and youth!"

Director Fury believed that any other woman would agree to this condition, but a strong woman like Ms. Carter would definitely not. He took a deep breath and said, "I want to talk to you alone!"

Bert waved his hand, Carter nodded and took Director Fury to the side to talk alone.

As soon as the two left, Stern couldn't wait to ask: "Patriarch Bert, your vampire clan can restore youth?"

"This is a very expensive special treasure. It's not that easy to get Ms. Carter young!"

Bert smiled and said, in fact, there are no treasures. His blood has the function of restoring youth. That's right, Ms. Carter is his descendant!

"Is the price extremely high? I believe most women are willing to pay the price!"

Senator Stern stood up and said, "Patriarch Bert, I have to go back and report to the Vice President about the truce and the VampireClan Police Department."

"Sure Senator Stern."

Bert stood up to send Stern away. On the way, he said, "Senator, what kind of yacht do you like? I'm planning to hold a swimsuit party recently, and I need a yacht! By the way, Senator If you are interested, you are more than welcome to join!"

"That's not a problem, I'll go back and look through the magazines to see which one fits!"

Stern laughed, he knew that the other party wanted to send him a yacht!

"Then we agreed."

Bert smiled and shook hands with Stern, and then watched him leave!

"If I remember correctly, this old guy seems to be a Hydra, right? What if I say Long Live Hydra in his ear?"

Bert shook his head and turned back to the living room, only to see Mercury and Blade staring at each other, looking like they were ready to draw swords!

Bert smiled and said, "You will be colleagues in the future, so you must live in harmony!"

Mercury turned her head and said dissatisfiedly: "Why did you ask Ms. Carter to be the president? Don't you know she is the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Blade couldn't help but glance at Bert, and he asked the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. to be the president. Was his head kicked by a donkey?

"I know, but she is also a vampire now and will safeguard the interests of the vampire race!"

Bert poured himself a glass of red wine and said, "Besides, I need someone who does not belong to your pure blood to help me control the clan. Ms. Carter's ability is just right!"

Mercury said: "We have already handed over all our assets to you, why don't you trust us yet?"

"Trust needs to be built slowly. Talking about trust now will only hurt feelings."

Bert sneered. If he didn't bring Carter, he would become a puppet of the vampire clan in minutes. He continued: "In addition, the vampire clan needs to change, otherwise it will be finished sooner or later. Let outsiders be the president, and we can make better changes!"

"The vampire race does need change, but not your kind of change!"

Mercury shouted: "After the establishment of the vampire clan police station, many vampires will die, and a large number of vampires will escape. At that time, the strength of our clan will be greatly weakened!"

Bert said: "It won't be weakened, the vampires who break the law will be swallowed by me, that is to say, their strength will be transformed into my strength, so that the strength of the clan will not only not decrease, but will also increase! Enough to ensure the clan's Strength, Safety, and Profit!"

Mercury and Blade were stunned: "You want to swallow those vampires who break the law?"

Bert nodded: "Can't I? We can give a nice name to it like 'return to the embrace of the Blood God', what do you think?"

"No way!"

Blade asked suspiciously: "Is this the purpose of your establishment of the police station? Let us help you collect blood?"

Bert's face sank, and he said coldly, "You think too much!"

The surroundings suddenly became dignified, Blade pushed down his sunglasses, and with a look of disdain on his face, Bert laughed and said, "It's just a matter of both public and private purposes!"

Mercury said again: "Even if a police station is established, humans will not treat us as their own!"

"Of course not, the bald director is probably already studying how to kill me!"

Bert said: "But it will reduce their hostility to us. We have huge capital, and a large number of Kazakhs (clan vampires), plus nuclear bombs. If it is not necessary, humans will not want to go to war with us!

The reason why the vampire race has this crisis is mainly because you pure-blooded vampires are shouting to enslave human beings all day long, so S.H.I.E.L.D came up with the plan and used traitor Deacon! "

Speaking of Deacon, Mercury's face was completely darkened. This was the biggest stain in her life. She worked for a human undercover agent, and she admired him immensely!

"In short, the vampire clan police station must be established, and those vampires who break the law, as well as radical vampires, like vampires who think they are superior to others, must be dealt with!"

Bert said without the slightest doubt: "This is not for human beings, this is my request for the vampire race, I have never liked vampires that suck the blood of living people!"

Blade nodded approvingly, Bert didn't lie, he was still a human!

Mercury snorted coldly: "What's wrong with our race, being superior?"

"Aren't you awake yet? If humans spare no expense, the vampire clans will be wiped out within a month!"

Bert said disdainfully: "The weakness of the vampires is too obvious. It is no longer the Middle Ages. Today's human beings use various methods to kill vampires!"

This time, Mercury was silent. It turned out that they had high self-esteem, but this time, the confrontation with S.H.I.E.L.D made them understand that human beings have become stronger than them. In the battle with S.H.I.E.L.D, they did not have a single victory. To lose, to be slaughtered completely one-sided.

If it wasn't for the Blood God taking the S.H.I.E.L.D stronghold, they wouldn't even have the qualifications to negotiate!

Bert said, "Mercury, times have changed!"

Mercury gritted her teeth and said, "I will support you in establishing the vampire clan police station, but I hope you can remember that you are the blood god of the vampire clan."

"Of course, I am the blood god of the vampires!"

Bert laughed. At this time, Director Fury walked in through the side door with a dark face, He said to Wang Bert: "I will send someone to discuss the previous matter! Bert Wang, Do remember, I will always be watching you!"

After speaking, Director Fury left without looking back. The conversation with Ms. Carter just now was not smooth. Of course, it may also be his performance!

"Should I act scared?"

Bert shrugged, and he asked Carter who came out: "President Carter, how many assets do I have now, have you finished counting them?"

"Only a rough estimate. You are now richer than the Stark family! If you want to make all the statistics, I need a professional team to cooperate with me!"

Carter smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I didn't expect your vampire clans to be so rich, have invested in so many fields, and even have control over Universal Pictures, one of the six major Hollywood studios!"

"Without our injection, Universal Pictures would have closed down long ago!"

Mercury said disdainfully, the vampire clan has investments in many fields, and even has its own financial company on Wall Street - a veritable vampire company!

"I didn't expect this. It seems that I can make movies by myself in the future!"

Bert touched his chin, turned his head, and said to Blade: "Blade, let's shoot a series of blade movies to promote the vampire clan. You will play the protagonist role!"

Carter and Mercury are both speechless, a movie with Blade as the protagonist can promote the vampire race? He is a vampire hunter!

Blade said coldly: "I'm not interested, I won't act!"

Bert laughed: "You don't need to act, the sunglasses are a part of your body, and the sunglasses are enough!"

Blade directly gave Bert a middle finger, Bert didn't care, and said: "While everyone is together, let me talk about the next layout, er, mainly in terms of framework, the specific implementation, I want you to know!"