Chapter 13 : Purple man

"Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing?"

In the bright casino lobby, Tony Stark stupidly looked at the poker on the table, his mind was blank, he shook his head, looked around blankly, and found that everyone around was excitedly shouting something at him, Very neat!

Tony shook his head again, and finally heard what the people around him were shouting: "Undress, undress..."

"Why do they want me to undress?"

Tony blinked in confusion. After a while, he suddenly recalled everything, and suddenly looked up at Bert Wang, who had a proud face. He gritted his teeth for a while, and he was tricked by this kid!

The process is very simple, Tony Stark brought Bert and Betsy to a casino in Atlantic City. At first, they didn't bet against each other, they just made bets and played dice or something!

As a frequent visitor to the casino, Tony immediately saw that Bert was a novice and had little experience, so he found an opportunity to play stud with Bert alone!

In the first three games, Tony Stark won easily, but since the fourth game, he has been losing and never won again, even if Jarvis' analysis function is used later - analyzing the opponent's facial expressions, Analyzing what the opponent's cards are, what cards the opponent can get, and so on.

Generally speaking, Tony doesn't cheat at the casino, and he's not short of money, but occasionally it's harmless, but he didn't expect that even if he cheated, he would still be unable to win against the guy who was just a novice.

How can Tony accept this? He is like a gambler who keeps losing, with red eyes, and so kept raising bets, trying to beat the opponent!

This is not for money, but for face, he can lose everything except face, because he is Tony Stark!

Then, like those gamblers who didn't believe in evil and wanted to keep playing, but lost everything, Tony also lost completely. Of course, what he lost was not wealth, but an unacceptable condition!

Take off your clothes and run around the outside of the casino!

If this is done, Tony is estimated to be shameless in the future, and his 'charming' body will appear in newspapers across the United States tomorrow!

Countless people in America are interested in his body, such as the gamblers around, that's why they shouted so loudly!

"You are not a novice!"

Tony gritted his teeth and said that as he thought. Before he couldn't notice it, but now he's awake from his anger, how could Tony not know that he was trapped by the kid on the opposite side?

Tony felt embarrassed to be fooled by such a simple calculation!

"I'm just a novice. I have played on the Internet, but in reality, I don't play much!"

Bert said lightly, he didn't lie, he was indeed a novice, but it didn't matter, he could see Tony's hole cards at any time, and even knew what cards were dealt next, if he could lose, he took all the cards Get in!

Tony asked again, "You cheated, didn't you?"

"It's familiar, don't talk nonsense, or I'll sue you for slander!"

Bert smiled and said, "Cheating doesn't count if you don't get caught!"

"Isn't that my line?"

Tony became more and more annoyed and wanted to punch the guy in the nose. The pride of the opponent and the admiration of Betsy next to him made him extremely unhappy.

Tony closed the cards and said, "Today I lost, doubled, and the conditions are fine!"

"What you lose today, I will give you all of it, and give you five million more. But the conditions are off!"

Bert sneered, "I have more money, so no!"

The gamblers went crazy and shouted: "Take off, take off, take off..."

Tony was embarrassed and angry. He glanced left and right. Before he had time to do anything, Bert said, "Tony, if you want to run away, I will let the people here strip you naked. I believe they will be happy!"

"Very happy too!"

It was Betsy who shouted this, and the other gamblers cheered loudly,

Want to try the taste of billionaire clothes?

Tony's face turned red, and he couldn't stand being undressed, let alone being taken by a group of men, God knows if someone will take advantage of him, no, he is wrong, someone will take the opportunity to take advantage of him. It's cheap, and maybe they'll pull out something to keep as a souvenir!

Thinking of the terrible consequences, Tony chose to follow his heart. He gritted his teeth and said, "On another condition, I can promise to do one thing for you. In this world, there are very few things that Tony Stark can't do!"

Although admitting counsel, his tone is still arrogant, this is Tony Stark!

If Bert doesn't agree, he will call the police directly and say that someone has kidnapped him! In this country, no one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do!

Bert looked at Tony, and when he started to get a little nervous, he nodded and said, "Okay!"

Tony breathed a sigh of relief, but the gamblers were booing, thinking that there was a good show to watch, but this is what happened?

Bert pushed out the chips and shouted, "The chips here are given to all. Whoever grabs them will own them!"

There was a sudden silence around. This is millions of chips. If you don't want it, move away.

The next moment, all the gamblers rushed towards the table with red eyes. The first few people successfully grabbed a handful of chips, but before they were happy, the people behind them shot at them unceremoniously and robbed them of their hands. chips on!

So, big chaos, a big fight, kicked off!

Bert, Tony, and the frightened Betsy hurried out of the chaotic circle. Tony looked at all this excitedly and whistled: "Congratulations, Bert, you already have 50% of my true biography. In addition, from today on, you'll be blacklisted from all Atlantic City casinos!"

"It doesn't matter, I don't like gambling!"

Bert shrugged and said casually, Tony froze for a moment, it's a shame that he, a veteran, would lose to such a rookie!

Bert put his arms around Betsy and said to Tony, "Let's go, go to the hotel, we still have a condition to discuss!"

Tony said angrily: "Let's talk in the car, I don't want to stay here tonight, I hate it here."

"Okay, get in the car!"


In the white Audi convertible, Bert said to Tony, "Tony, I need a good secretary recently. Give me your female secretary, Miss Pepper Potts."

"You want to rob my little pepper (nickname)?"

Tony immediately refused: "No, change the terms!"

Bert asked, "Really? She's just a secretary on your side. Give her to me, she can be the president!"

"No, absolutely not!"

Tony looked at Bert with an unhappy face, this guy wanted to pry his corner? Without Little Pepper, I don't even know what my social security number is, right?

"Can't you? Then I'll change the conditions!"

Bert didn't care too much. After all, he was only interested in Pepper's workability. He said, "Do you know vampires?"

Tony sneered loudly: "Brother, don't watch so many movies, where are the vampires in this world?"

"Just pretend it has it!"

Bert shrugged and said, "Vampires are afraid of the ultraviolet rays in the sun, so unless they wrap themselves like mummies, they can't act in the daytime!"

Tony said impatiently: "Do you want to learn about the common sense of vampires with me? Please, there is a genius man in front of you!"

Bert sneered: "Then do you know that you will lose money tonight?"

Tony's face suddenly darkened, and he said unhappily, "Hurry up and say the conditions, don't waste time!"

"I want to ask you to design something that allows vampires to act like ordinary people during the day!"

Bert said: "In simple terms, it is to design something to block ultraviolet rays, but such a thing can't make people feel weird. If should be completely invisible to people."

Tony thought for a while, and asked suspiciously, "This thing is not difficult to do, but why do you want such a thing?"

Bert expressed his surprise: "It's not difficult to do? As far as I know, vampires have not been able to research this thing for hundreds of years!"

Tony said arrogantly: "I don't know if vampires exist, but there is only one Tony Stark in this world. I can design this kind of thing in three days!"

"Then design it for me to see!"

Bert said: "By the way, the patent right of this thing must belong to me, because I want to mass-produce it, and you can make a price for how much it will cost!"

Tony asked: "The patent rights can be given to you, but I want to know, how on earth did you cheat?"

Bert smiled and said, "I have a see-through eye, so I know what your card is!"

"You think I'll believe it?"

Tony expressed his disdain, do you know how much my IQ is, to fool me with this kind of thing that only children can believe? If I was three years old, no, even if I was two years old I wouldn't believe it!

Bert smiled, took out a box of unopened playing cards, and asked Tony to draw a few cards. After Tony finished drawing, Bert pointed and said, "Seven of diamonds, eight of spades, nine of hearts, isn't that right?"

Tony was a little surprised. He put down the playing cards, took out his wallet from his pocket, and asked, "I still don't believe it, how much money is in it?"

Bert glanced at it and complained: "You don't have one. Also, if you don't put money, why should you buy a wallet?"

"This is a gift from little Pepper, uh, that's not the point, you can actually see through? Hey, wait, have you peeked at my body?"

Tony thought of something, and suddenly covered his bottom and shouted in surprise, Bert gave him a middle finger, opened the door and got out of the car, turned around, and shouted: "Three days later, bring the product!"

"No problem, I'll let Pepper... wait, you kid thinks about Pepper, did you peek at her?"

Tony was like a furious lion, roaring at Bert with his claws. Bert didn't bother to pay attention to him, he closed the car door with force, and strode towards his sports car!

"Boy, tell me honestly!"

Tony stood on the seat and yelled at Bert who was sitting in the sports car. Bert returned his hand and pointed his middle finger, started the sports car, and took Betsy away like a lightning bolt, leaving Tony to eat the exhaust. !

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Tony coughed for a while and quickly got out of the car to avoid him. He looked in the direction where Bert was leaving and thought fiercely: "This bastard, I can't spare him!

No, I must work out a method of preventing perspective, but what is the principle of his perspective? Can the eyes be turned into X-rays? It's not scientific at all! "


That night, Bert, who was resting, suddenly received a call from James. He said excitedly, "Blood God, we have found Killgrave!"


Bert, who was still a little annoyed, immediately lifted the quilt and said, "Where is he?"

"He was shopping with that Jessica Jones, and my eyes are on him," James said.

"You didn't get close to him, did you?"

Bert asked while putting on his clothes. James hurriedly said, "No, no, I'm very far away, and he will never find me!"

Bert said excitedly: "Very good, keep watching, I will take a helicopter over there immediately, and find someone to get a few sets of biochemical suits and anesthesia guns, which will be useful later!"

"Yes, Blood God!"

James nodded, again and again, he knew very well that great achievement was coming soon!

Bert's movement awakened Betsy, she turned her head, barely opened her eyes, and asked tiredly, "Bert, where are you going?"

"I have something to do, someone will take you to see Director Catherine tomorrow!"

Bert left a sentence and went out immediately. Killgrave is so important, how can he be interested in Betsy?

Who is Killgrave? He is the big villain in the TV series "Jessica Jones" and likes to wear purple clothes, also known as the Purple Man!

Killgrave has an amazing ability - he can control others with a virus (TV version), and once controlled by him, you will do what he asks you to do!

If he asks you to hit the wall, you will hit the wall and you will keep hitting the wall until he tells you to stop, if he asks you to draw a gun at some point to kill, you will draw a gun to kill, very scary!

Although Killgrave can control people, he is no different from ordinary people. This is different from Jessica Jones. She is a strong woman and a future superhero!

In addition, Killgrave's control is time-limited. Bert doesn't remember how long it took, but it should be within 12 hours. After this time, the control will be invalid!

Bert wanted Killgrave's ability very much, so he asked James to find him the first time, and James did not let him down, and found his target in a short time!

"If this virus can be transferred to me, it will be convenient to do things in the future!"

Bert was so excited that he contacted the hotel and arranged for a helicopter to return to New York as quickly as possible.

Atlantic Casino is only more than 100 kilometers away from New York, so it didn't take long for Bert to arrive at the restaurant where James was!

"Blood God, they are eating at the restaurant over there!"

James pointed to the pasta restaurant opposite and said hesitantly, "Blood God, that guy is a little weird!"

Bert asked, "What kind of weird method?"

"The restaurant turned out to be closed, but he only said a word, and the restaurant owner opened the door to let him in and called the chef back to make a late-night snack for him!"

James said: "Although money can do such a thing, I haven't seen him give money. Speaking of which, he doesn't seem to have given money to buy things before!"

"People like him don't need money to buy things!"

Bert sneered secretly, so flamboyant, it seems that even without Jessica Jones, James can easily find him.

Such a powerful ability, but it is too wasteful to actually use it to eat free meals, so let me put it to good use!