Chapter 32

Jessica didn't care about Peter's departure either. Anyway, she didn't plan to be a good employee. She walked back to the door and said to Trish, "Trish, do you want to keep kneeling here?"

Trish said firmly: "I must learn kung fu!"

Jessica said unhappily, "Why? What's there to learn about kung fu?"

Trish looked at Jessica with resentment. If she wasn't her sister, she would have beaten her up!

This world is very unfair. Some people can't get what they try hard to get, but others can have it casually, and even look at it with disgust!

For example, Jessica Jones.

Trish was about to say something when Madame Gao came out and said, "Boss wants to see you, come in!"

Trish got up in surprise and asked, "Are you willing to accept me as an apprentice?"

Madame Gao smiled and said, "You are lucky, Boss plans to accept you as his apprentices!"

Trish was stunned: "That young man, can he do it? Doesn't kung fu get better with age?"

"He's much better than me." Madame Gao didn't say much and walked in with a cane.

Trish hurriedly followed, and Jessica followed behind with a displeased face, and said, "That guy is amazing. But why should I take him as my teacher? I don't want to learn kung fu!"

"If she doesn't want to be a disciple, you can leave." Madame Gao turned back to Trish Walker and said, Trish Walker was stunned, beginning to feel that she was incidental.

'That guy isn't a good guy.' Jessica couldn't bear to see Trish disappointed, she gritted her teeth and said, "I'm willing to be his disciple, but I don't have the money to learn kung fu!"

"A real master and apprentice don't need to pay money. Instead, the master will give the apprentice money. The master is like a father, but you don't understand this principle, so I won't say more."

Madame Gao shook her head and led the two of them into the tea room in the backyard, where Bert was waiting.

When the two women approached, Bert, who was sitting above, waved his hand gently, and two cups of tea flew steadily toward the two women with a faint red light—his Chi was wrapped in the power of the dragon's soul, has already reached the stage where he can release it out of his body.



In the TV show, Gao appears to be capable of making people fly off their feet for a moment with only a wave of her hand, as she did to Danny Rand when he tried to intimidate her. Where this power comes from and its limits remain unknown.

Telekinesis, maybe possible using Chi, I'm not sure how the author bought Chinese cultivation into marvel. And I can't change this, as this will affect the future story. So let's roll with it.


The two women were surprised for a while, and hurriedly caught the teacup, Madam Gao said, "Kneel and offer tea to Master!"

Jessica was reluctant, but when Trish saw Bert's hand, her eyes brightened, she knelt on the spot, and then imitated the way in the kung fu movie, holding the teacup with both hands, and shouted, "Master!"


Bert nodded with satisfaction, took the teacup and took a sip, then put the teacup aside and looked at Jessica!

Jessica pouted, knelt, and raised her cup insincerely: "Master!"

"Not very good!"

Bert took the cup, took a sip, and then said: "Okay, Trish Walker, Jessica Jones, from now on, you are my disciples, and you must obey the rules. Huh, the rules? "

"You don't even know what your own rules are, do you?" Jessica complained, and Madame Gao was speechless. The Blood God wanted to accept his disciples on a momentary thought.

"How could I not know?"

Bert said: "The rules of the dojo are very simple, love each other from the same dojo, and protect the world!"

"It's really simple. It seems that you don't have to be afraid of being fined for copying the rules in the future. There are only a dozen words in total!"

Jessica sneered, Trish was also a little speechless, did she join the wrong school, this looks like a grass-roots team!

"Since you say so, I will satisfy you, you can copy the rules a thousand times for me!"

Bert said, Jessica, got angry and shouted: "Why?"

"You asked for it yourself, now asking me why?"

Bert waved his hand and said, "Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said, get up, and every night at eight o'clock, you all come to the teahouse to practice! If you can't come, Call ahead, you got it? "


Trish nodded repeatedly, looking very excited, finally being able to learn kung fu!

Seeing that Trish was so happy, Jessica didn't say anything more. Anyway, she wanted to stay here to work and pay off her debts! In other words, what kind of master is this, actually blackmailing his apprentice?

Then, Trish and Jessica stood up together, and Bert smiled at Trish: "Trish, you are very good, so I will prepare an apprenticeship ceremony for you, you will receive it when you come here tomorrow. !"

"Thank you, Master!"

He said so, but Trish didn't care. Bert didn't explain much. He turned to Jessica and said, "As for you, you are not good at all. In addition to the punishment, you have to clean the teahouse!"


Jessica was very dissatisfied, Trish hurriedly stopped her, and then said to Bert: "Master, I want to take Jessica back to celebrate, can she come back to work tomorrow?"

"Since you're begging, then I'll let her go!"

Bert nodded, Jessica snorted, this guy's attitude toward his sister is better than her own!

Trish was very happy. After thanking him, she took Jessica and left excitedly. After they left, Madame Gao asked inexplicably, "Blood God, there are many vampire clansmen who are good, why should you accept them as apprentices?"

"Vampires are born villains, we need some humans to speak for us!"

Bert didn't explain much, he said: "Madame Gao, you will handle their teachings!"

"Aren't you teaching?"

Madam Gao was stunned, how could he throw his apprentice to others?

"Come on, I have something to do tonight!"

Bert shrugged, what a joke, there are so many beautiful women waiting for him in the city, how could he spend two hours every night teaching his disciples?

This is not the way of life for the rich!


Trish, who successfully apprenticed, had a good dream one night. She dreamed that she became the most popular superhero. Countless reporters rushed to interview her, countless fans cheered for her, and countless TV stations invited her as a guest...

It's just that when Trish woke up, she found that the reality was super cruel - she was on fire, but not the kind of fire she wanted!

"Child star, went insane, kneeling in front of the teahouse and begging? Daily Bugle, I'm going to sue you!" When Trish saw the news, she shredded the newspaper on the spot in anger. She was born as a child star and knew very well what consequences such negative news would bring!

Others will ridicule her wildly, the radio station will temporarily stop her program, and suspend her, as for when she can come back, it depends on luck!

This is a big crisis in Trish's star journey!

'Calm down, calm down, as long as you think of a good excuse, there should still be a chance to turn around, uh, environmental protection, protest, or performance art?'

Trish walked around impatiently in the living room. She wanted to discuss it with Jessica, but no one answered the phone. She knew that Jessica was probably drunk again.

Trish threw away the phone angrily. She was thinking about whether to take a leave of absence to hide from the limelight for a few days when the head of the station suddenly called: "Trish, why haven't you gone to work yet, hurry up and come!"

Trish wanted to explain something, but the station director hung up the phone just after he finished speaking.

As soon as she arrived at the station gate, Trish found a large group of reporters waiting, hurriedly asked the driver to drive to the back door, and then sneaked into the company!

After entering the company, a female hostess who did not deal with Trish, immediately came up and asked with concern, "Trish, why are you here? You should rest at home if you are sick!"

Trish scolded: "You are sick, that article is nonsense!"

"Trish, if you're sick, you need to be treated, you can't escape!" The hostess said sneeringly: "Otherwise, God knows what shameful things you will do."

Trish gritted her teeth. She was about to tear the woman apart when the director's secretary shouted, "Trish, the director asked you to come and see him immediately!"


Trish hurriedly agreed, glared at the hostess, and strode toward the director's office. The colleagues around her looked at her with pity and schadenfreude. In their opinion, Trish was probably going to be suspended from the snow!

"Trish, your show, I will host it for you in the future, you don't have to thank me, I will do it."

The hostess laughed from behind, and Trish wanted to turn around and smash a hole in her head with her high heels. This woman is so hateful.

Trish took a deep breath and calmed herself down, then she knocked on the door and entered the director's office!


Trish wanted to explain it well, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the director said: "Trish, your program has been upgraded to a social program. There is a big interview at noon. You should read the information immediately!"

"Director, my show... eh?"

Trish reacted and asked in astonishment, "Director, do you want to upgrade my show?"

Trish's 'Trish Talk' is entertainment talk. In short, it's a talk on the radio about parental short stories, emotional entanglements, etc. She always wanted to be in charge of the current affairs and society column, but the director did not agree, because that kind of column, Only famous people can host!

Trish never thought that she had such a scandal, the director not only did not withdraw herself but also upgraded her program. Is this a dream?

If yes, please let this dream continue, and don't wake up!

The director glanced at Trish and said, "Trish, this is the order of the big man from above, don't you know?"

"Big man?"

Trish was stunned. How could anyone care about her?

"Go out and prepare!"

The director didn't say much, because he felt that Trish was pretending to be an idiot. Unexpectedly, Trish, who has always been clean and self-conscious, also embarked on this road!

Perhaps, this is the fate of actresses in the entertainment industry!

Trish took the information and returned to her office with a confused look on her face. When people outside saw her like this, they thought she was suspended from the snow, some sympathized, and some ridiculed her!

Trish returned to the office and found a woman so beautiful that she felt jealous, waiting for her. She asked, "May I ask who you are?"

Natasha said: "I am your master's secretary. Your master asked me to tell you that you must be careful in the next interview. After a while, he will transfer you to the TV station to start a special program!"

"My master? Who?"

Trish was stunned. She had just talked with her teacher yesterday, but she still couldn't react. Natasha was speechless.

"You mean the owner of Dragon Subduing Teahouse?"

Trish reacted suddenly, and she said, "Did he help me upgrade the show?"

Natasha nodded: "Yes! He said this is his apprenticeship gift for you!"

"Apprenticeship gift? Yes, he did say he wanted to give me an Apprenticeship Ceremony, but I didn't expect it to be such a powerful Apprentice Ceremony."

Trish became more and more astonished, and she couldn't help but ask, "My master, is he very powerful?"

Natasha said with a smile: "He's okay, just a little richer than Tony Stark. In addition, he has shares in several major broadcasting companies in the country!"


Trish sucked in a breath of cold air, this is more than okay, how many people in the United States have more money than Tony Stark?

Did she hug the golden thigh? Trish was extremely glad that she knelt yesterday, hey, this matter is going to be spread out, the entrance of the Teahouse will be full of people kneeling! At the very least, everyone in this company will kneel!

"This woman doesn't seem to know anything. Why did Bert Wang accept her as his apprentice? What is he trying to do?"

Natasha thought to herself, and she said, "Okay, Trish, look at the information first. In addition to you and the client, there will be a famous guest, Max!"


Trish came back to her senses and flipped through the documents skillfully. After a while, she asked in amazement, "The Osborn Group?"

Natasha said: "Yes, your task is to talk bad about them. The harder it is, the better. Don't worry, your master will support you behind!"

"I've long wanted to fight against such a big group!"

Trish said excitedly, and then she read the information carefully, and went out to find someone to write the manuscript with great energy!

As soon as she walked out of the door, Trish found that everyone was looking at her, but it was different from before. Now their eyes were full of envy, jealousy, and deep puzzlement!

News has spread.

Trish snorted arrogantly, raised her head, and stepped on high heels to the director's office. The people on the way were flattering, and there was no more ridicule.

The host who ridiculed Trish before even hid in the bathroom and didn't dare to see anyone!

Trish sighed secretly, She thought that today would be hell, but because of Master, today became heaven!

'Master, thank you very much!'


At noon, when the interview officially started, Trish asked Max, who was a little nervous, "Mr. Dillon, you said that you designed the power grid in the city, but according to the information I found, your name was not on it!"

Max said angrily: "That's what they stole from me. People from the Osborn Group have been bullying me. On my birthday a few years ago, they not only didn't congratulate me, but they also made me work overtime."

Trish asked knowingly: "Mr. Dillon, why did Osborn's people bully you?"

Max replied according to Natasha's explanation: "Because I'm black, they discriminate against me. If I were white, I'd be a department manager now! I'm the best engineer in the company!"

The guest Max said angrily when he heard the words: "Max, what are you talking about, Osborn's people are so excessive?"

"That's right, Osborn's people are just so excessive. There are almost no black people in Osborn's top management, but all white people!"

Max shouted: "I'm going to sue them, I'm going to get my respect back, I'm going to get fair treatment!"

"Is that true? It's hard to imagine that there is still such a company!"

Trish said: "Max, I support you to sue them, don't be afraid of them, behind you are the black people in America, we will all support you, the era when white people can bully others is over!"

With the help of someone, this 'racial discrimination' incident quickly fermented. On the same day, several black groups protested at the Osborn Building, and major TV stations also broadcasted the news one after another. Shares plummeted.